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Just Out Of Interest


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hi i do not have ocd, i do have little habbits and rituals but i think most people do. things in cuboard have to be the right way round, toilet paper the right way round. i HAVE to have two of everything if at all possible it leaves me very unsettled. lol, its quite bad actually that one. um, anyway off the point. um, i was just wondering cos i have heard that these rituals or compulsions that you do can be severe, what happens if you dont do them? what is the fear in your mind, say for eg, you cant wash your hands when you need to? would just like to understand this process better! thanks


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Ello, sometimes the fear is related to the compulsion... "if i don't wash my hands i will become ill or make someone else ill because they are covered in germs" and sometimes an urge is carried out to neautralize a thought "if i dont wash my hands 28times X will get run-over by a bus".......whichever one it is they are both done to ease high anxiety.


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Well i always think that if i dont do these rituals then something like myself or someone i care about will die..or some sort of harm will come to me or them..the anxiety gets so much that you just HAVE to do the compulsion..because the fear that if something does happen then it could be my fault because i didnt carry out the ritual..

its really crap because i know deep down that its stupid and that me doing a ritual like straightening things up or counting a certain amount of times etc is hardly gonna stop something bad from happening..but then theres always the feeling what if something does happen this time i dont do the ritual then it is all down to me..

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I have OCD and if I didn't do something right I think something bad will happens to me and if I miss count I had to do it again till its the right number...

Like once I went out and lost my bank card and I knew something bad will happen to me and it was not too bad but I fall over and sprained my ankle but still something happened to me...

I just wish sometimes I didn't have OCD cause its hard at times but I do and have to get on with it :)...

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If I cant do what the compulsion tells me to do, I basically just go into a panic state. It seems extremely irrational at times but I just cant help it. I often have to re-do homeowkr because it just doesnt feel right and that can be extremely frustrating when you're sitting up at 5am re-doing a piece of homework just so it feels right.

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I obsess about things.

Seemingly trivial things to others can take on all consuming importance to me.

I obsess about running out of stuff. When I did drugs, I could NOT run out. I had 'contingengy grams' of speed in the freezer, for if ever my dealer went into to prison etc


I also ruminate and find it hard to distract. An obsession can be an all consuming thing, and it has been said, in the nicest possible way, that I am obsessive about things.

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For me I feel that if I dont do one of the normal complusions that I do that some-thing bad will happen.

One of the things I do is when I leave the house is I go back a few times to check I closed the front door, on the occasion I forced my-self not to go back and check I was worrying, up-tight and stressed all day over it and was sure bad things would happen.

Pink x

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I don't have OCD, but i do strange things. If i'm walking and i don't get the the lampost within the next 30 seconds something bad will happen. When i go out i have to check i have my keys purse and bus pass constantly. I spend the whole walk to the bust stop scavenging through my handbag to quadrupal check.

If i see 2 magpies I get into a real tiz if i can't find one more. Umberella up in the house can really upset me.

I know its irrational, but its me. I don't have OCD so I can't imagine what it must be like to have it constantly about so many things


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aww thanks for answering guys, id forgotten bout this post. lol. its interesting. im so sorry so many of you have these thoughts, must be scary. The only odd thing i do is i have to have things in twos or if not to i have to make it look even, doubt thats ocd, just me being odd. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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