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'most Relaxing Song Ever' According To A Study


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I tried your song Kitsune and I'm pretty sure my body is on full rebellion. xDD

It did start to relax me and then, whether or not it's because the prazosin lowers the bodies BP already, I got started on a full on panic attack out of nowhere. Like, my arms were literally tingling and my hands were almost numb and my body shifted into panic. REALLY weird, don't know what it was, but my head decided to disagree with the song after that. xDD

I will try again soon though. I liked the tune.

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Well it did make me yawn but I don't think I'm very relaxed, I'm just bored and restless and I really want to go and do something more interesting. I lasted 5 minutes before I switched it off.

But I usually do disagree about things like this. If it worked for me it would probably mean the research was really badly flawed!

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Riverspell, I'm really sorry that the song I linked caused you a panic attack : 0. I suppose there's no guarantee how music will affect us but I'm sorry nontheless. I hope that you feel better now xx

Emma, that's fair enough, you tried it and that's the only way you get to know what works for you and what doesn't : )

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I'm not sure if it was entirely the songs fault.

My insomnia has been really bad lately and so I've taking a lot of things to make me sleep. Probably things I shouldn't be mixing. On that particular night I had taken more Prazosin than I'm supposed to to repress all too vivid nightmares and a LOT of seroquel. Prazosin is a blood pressure medication that they use with some PTSD patients to reduce nightmares. Seroquel is used, by me, as a sedative as well as an anti-depressant. So, bunch of prazosin and quite a bit more seroquel than is usual in my system and I managed to pass out before the song is even done with. The song was still playing when I suddenly jerked back awake.

So, again, I'm not entirely sure it was the music. Every sound at that moment was freaking me out and the song was the loudest as it was right next to me. I wasn't even awake long enough to comprehend much. Just managed to shut the music off before I passed out again from panicking too much. >.<

Probably did an oops there with my drugs.

But, as I said, I am going to try the music out another time when I'm not drugging myself to sleep. xDD

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