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Obsessed My Older Dad Might Die While I'm Still Young


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I'm 24 and my Dad is 69. He is in very good health (touch wood) but ever since I can remember I have worried about him and how long I will have him for. this worry has now turned into a full blown obsession I have OCD so this makes my anxieties so much worse. If anything happened to him I know for a fact I couldn't go on. I've always said I will only live as long as he does, I love him so much it hurts and I sometimes just wish I could love him less. I am such a sensitive person and my dad has been my anchor my best friend and my rock in life. I have my mother who is 62 but we have a very difficult relationship and she has not made my life easy at all but that's a different story.

This life long worry has kind of stopped me from living my life. I still live at home and have always deflected any romantic relationships and have no interest in growing up. As far as I'm concerned there is no room for anyone else in my heart.

I know I'm rambling but these feeling are so mixed up in my head. Most people take their parents youth for granted. Most of my friends will still have their parents when they themselves are into their 50s I will be lucky if my dad is still with me when I'm 35.

I'm stopping myself living my life but I just can't get it off my mind. Does anyone else have older parents as in they were 40+ when you were born?

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Hi Anna, you stopping yourself from living your life sound like a very frustrating situation. Can't you get any third person help? Do you have support with your OCD? Take care dear. I send you love and hugs.

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