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Religion & Mental Illness


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Hello all, I've been thinking recently about religion and mental illness and wondering what everyone's experience of it is?

Since being a suffer and being on my own a lot and feeling like I have nothing else to turn to I found God and started to attend my local church and I have since being baptised and I've really become what I would class as a strong practising Christian and I have gotten involved with lots of things going on in my church.

I really feel that its made a difference and that turning to god has gotten me though some really rough days/patches.

What's everyone else's experience? Are you religious? Does it help you etc?

I look forward to hearing about it all!



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Just to let you know in advance this is going to be a negative post. But since you asked, here is my experience with religion.

Religion stunted my intellectual development and critical thinking skills for very a long time as it taught me to accept what other people said without question.

Although women are shamed more for this in the bible, religion made me ashamed of my sexual desires and to this day I still have great difficulty dating, although I've managed to come out of it somewhat it the last few years

Religion made me think that there was something wrong with being gay, simply because there were a few passages about it in a 2000 year old text

Religion even made me buy into that crap about evolution not being real

If it works for you it works for you, keep doing it. But in my personal experience I feel like I learned to cope with real life much better once I let go of that crutch.

Everyone has a different experience though and even though I am clearly bitter over my religious upbringing I'm not gonna criticise you for turning to religion if it really does help you. I understand it, the sense of community, the belief in something greater, it can be quite attractive. But it's not for me anymore.

Carl Jung was an advocate of using religion in treatment so there probably is something to it.

I realize I've been somewhat negative but it's just my honest opinion.

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I think anything that helps u through the tough times is worth doing.

I'm glad you've found somethin that helps you ollie.

I'm catholic but i wouldn't say I am religious.

When my dad died I found comfort in the fact I believe he was at peace in heaven.


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Hello TheHatMan, It doesnt matter that your posts negative, Im interested to hear what everyone has to say!

I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience of religion! And its like you said, its not for everyone and I totally understand that :)

Thanks for been so honest,


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Hey DaisyDuck!

Thanks for your post :D

Your last point about you finding comfort that a loved one was at peace in heaven I think is great, I was at the funeral of my friend on Friday and there were a lot of non religious people there who all found comfort in that same thing!


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hi ollie, i'm very pleased to hear that you have found strength from your faith.

i often think i would like to be reigious, i've tried but find it hard to believe in something and then think i'm being a phoney trying to.

the idea of handing my life over to a higher power is very appealing seeing as i can't seem to find the ability to want to live for myself- maybe if i was doing it for a higher power i would get on better and see a point to life.

maybe its something i need to explore more- i would like to have faith in something, for my life to have meaning and to have a reason to keep going xxx

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My experience with religion is war! It's a constant battle.

I feel pulled between God and Satan often and wave one way then the other and back again. I've been spiritually abused so this is why. I've also been involved in a cult which was not a good thing.

So needless to say I/we have turned to the church on numerous occasions. I've had bad experiences in the church. I've also had bad experiences in other non christian religions so it's not just the church, it's human kind.

I found that people were put off/scared of my mental illness. This was even bigger in the christian church! Though not all bad experiences there it was enough to drive me away. I'm currently wrestling with the idea of trying it again with a different denominiation.

Like you, I found that faith and God helped with my mental struggles and was healing. But the church itself... didn't.


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I am not religious but I do love the Buddhist faith and values, I have read books on Buddhism and found some of it helps me, when I am in the frame of mind to apply it and remember it.

If I could come back in another life and choose what I was to be it would be a Buddhist Monk (and male lol so I could!) I met a group of Buddhists when I was a child and I think it is probably one of my happiest memories.

I am glad you have found something that helps you. It's nice that you feel so positive about it.

TheHatMan, just wanted to say sorry that you were made to feel like that, I read something horrible last night which was very similar to what you were saying about the shame, this man was preaching (in a foul way) and it's that kind of thing that causes conflict, pain and shame.

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I'm not really religious but i do sometimes pray for people who are struggling. if it doesnt work it won't do any harm but if there is any chance it will help its worth doing. I try not to pray for myself but sometimes when i'm feeling really bad i'll pray i dont have to live for too much longer.

but I would really like heaven to be real. I feel really limited as a human because theres so little i can do to help people but if I can be an angel maybe i would be free to fly anywhere i wanted and help all sorts of people

I think often depressed people who are brought up religious feel better without their religion and depressed people who arent religious find comfort in it. I think that makes sense, if you are depressed there are lots of things in your life that are wrong for you and it makes sense that trying things that are the opposite of how things are atm will improve things

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Like Vivien, I like the idea of religion - to find comfort at the darkest times. I'm too practical and logical though. I need proof. I am a big believer in theology and I do believe Jesus was a real man but rather than the son of God I believe he was a prophet. The books I have read (The Holy Blood, and the Holy Grail etc) show that there is evidence he existed.

Then, like Charlotte, I love the Buddhist beliefs and principals. The quote under my avatar is a Buddha quote - 'there is no way to happiness - happiness is the way'. I love mindfulness and things like that.

It is nice you find solace in your God. If it works for you then great. If religion brings people together and makes them happy then there surely can't be anything wrong with that.

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Yes i suffer with social anxiety and i also am catholic and go to church every weekend

and help out once a week with the church hall. I feel that it helps me when i attend as

i have a belief in this faith that gives me some direction and guidance. xxx

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Religion....such a wonderful concept, but sadly, betrayed by it's follower's as they each seek to exert control over their follower's..........sadly, to my mind, it mirrors marriage and it's concepts!!

NOW, all we need is for a "JK Rowlingesque" figure to emerge and proclaim Religion is BS, have many best-sellers, infiltrate the Government, rid it of the pricks that dominate, and declare Independence for Moldovia!! :D :D

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Apollo I love your comparison of religion with marriage - I agree!

If I was to align myself with a set of religious/spiritual beliefs I would probably say I enjoy a good flirt with paganism/pantheism...I'm more comfortable with marvelling at Nature.

However, I'm a Humanist at heart. If this really is 'all there is' then we should stop killing each other over a set of increasingly ridiculous beliefs/rituals and realise we only have each other - there are no Gods passing judgement. But these are just my views!!

Overall, i'm with Frank Sinatra who said something along the lines of "I'm for whatever gets you through the night...whether that's prayer, liquor or women". xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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The books I have read (The Holy Blood, and the Holy Grail etc) show that there is evidence he existed.

There is no evidence Jesus actually existed; that book is full of wishful thinking.

I'm actually vehemently anti-theistic. I'm of the mindset that religion offers nothing except to stifle freedoms, take advantage of the weak and encourage superstition. I understand that it offers people comfort and solace, but personally I'd prefer the cold, hard truth than comforting lies.

Regarding the affiliations of religion and mental illness, I find it amusing that if I said I had an imaginary friend I'd be regarded as mentally ill. There is no difference between an imaginary friend and God.

Also telling someone you'll pray for them is worthless. I know it's meant kindly, but two hands in action achieve more than a thousand clasped in prayer.

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i used to be like you ostler, would argue viciously with anyone who was religious, Dawkins would have been proud!

now though i think theres so much cruelty and nastiness in the world, if religion gives people peace of mind and some happiness, a feeling of purpous in life, then why not?

obviously when it gets out of hand and hurts people, like cults, then i disagree with it. but when you think about it, is there anything to be gained from seeing what we would see as the 'truth' over religion if your just an average person and not a brainiac scientist?

personally i would rather believe that there was something nice after death like heaven, that you will see the ones you love again and be happy, even if it may not be true, than worry about nothingness and never seeing people again. after all, who is it hurting?

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If someone goes to Church once a week and for that one day a week they get out the house, socialise with other people and find some peace and hope for just a few hours then how is that bad?! :blink:

I have my opinions, other opinions about religion, but I chose not to put them here because this is meant to be a POSITIVE post. So I will leave my other OPINIONS at the door this time around :)

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Ostler, you seem to like ruffling the feathers here, i think.


I don't have a problem with anyone who chooses to follow a regligion or a set of beliefs, so long as those beliefs are neither - causing harm to themselves or others, nor shoved down others' throats.

I get pissed off at some Jehovah's Witnesses, because i think it's extremely rude to come knocking on the door and telling you that, essentially, if you don't sign yourself up to their belief systems right here right now then you are destined to rot.

My ex was very ...ahem... convinced... of his beliefs, and pretty much brainwashed me for several years. This caused no end of harm to me, and those around me who witnessed my flailing against a belief system forced upon me that i was given no choice but to accept.

for this reason, religion, is a very tricky one for me.

However, i do find comfort in certain belief systems, in particular Buddhism, i find the philosophy behind it intriguing, and beautiful, and think it is a wonderful, peaceful way to live your life. I find it very appealing. I think the most appealing part of it for me, is that there is no worshipping of external deities, no placing of power and control into someone else's hands - it is about recognising and unlocking our own inner potential and the ability that we all hold to make life not only bearable, but a blessing.

I find it empowering, and inspiring, and i feel in control. I am not passing the buck. I realise that I can make a change, I can make a difference. I don't need to look to the heavens for someone to fix it all for me. With strength, courage, determination, wisdom and an open mind, i can fix it for myself.

If you have a belief system that is empowering, inspiring, and comforting, then that is wonderful, it really is.

It is when the beliefs that you hold/religion that you follow is causing you pain, that i think it is a concern.


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Religion, God an all, is a nice idea.

Unfortunately, Religion is one of the reasons there are so many wars etc, occurring.

Personally i have gone all athiest lately, but i have been both christian (born) and Muslim. I see religion as a way to control people en masse. (s'cuse the unintentional pun)

Yes it may offer comfort to the bereaved and the sick and the hopeless, and i'll not take away from that.

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On a personal level religion gives me some hope, many people I know don't believe in it, but I do. I want to believe in something more and hope for more, and this in turn gives me some confidence to face bad and trying events in my life.

Whether its fake, or real, to be on a personal level its real.

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I am a Christian and I have found that being able to pass my problems over to a higher being and asking for knowledge or patience when required a happier way to live my life. Sadly wars and atrocities are committed, bigots and racists misuse the bible to hate sections of society. Just because someone is a practising Catholic, Christian or other religion doesn't mean they are a good person as the much as an atheist is not a bad person. Whatever works is probably the best way forward for us all.

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I am a Christian and I have found that being able to pass my problems over to a higher being and asking for knowledge or patience when required a happier way to live my life.

Yes, but sadly in some religions "men" seem to think they are that higher being as a way of exercising control!!

PS Going to the Zoo to see the Lions next week so if you want to tag along I'm sure they would be delighted to meet you :devil::D :D

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I found God when I first started to get unwell aged 15. Since then my relationship with God has been very very bumpy. Now I'm at a church where I can speak openly about mental health - and no-one is telling me that I have the devil in me or that it's punishment from God - they accept my BPD just like any other illness.

I've been pro-active in my church and have set up a mental health support group at Church, and I have the full support of my Pastors.

I find that my relationship with God is what gets me through the hardest of times - He gives me strength and accepts me for who I am and loves me no matter what and he will NEVER leave me. Sitting in the presence of God is like being in love, its a warm tingly hug all over, it makes me feel safe.

Don't get me wrong, there are many times when I will sit there screaming and angry at God telling him how unfair it is the pain that I feel most of the time and beg him to take it away. But to balance that there are plenty of times when I've had answers to prayer or many other reasons where I feel nothing but thankful towards God.

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Hey Truelove, thats amazing! Such an inspiration to read! :)

I'm so glad that you now feel accepted and that you've set up a mental health support group!

Its reading things like this which make my day :)


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