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Lamictal And Trileptal


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I have been on lamictal for type 2 bipolar for 2 weeks now, and trileptal for violent tendicies and thoughts for about a week. I have done research on both meds and saw they are seizure meds. Why the hell am I taking seizure meds, I don't fucking have seizures. Does she think this is a joke? I need medicine to stop me from thinking about laying in my ex girlfriend's bushes at night and waiting for her to come out, and the thoughts about torturing people like midevil style. No wonder this shit has not work, it's seizure medicine, I feel like punching holes in the wall now. What should I do? Call her up? Do all psychiatrist play games like this? I don't have seizures

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im no professional so dont quote me on this but most meds if not all are wide in there uses ....diazipam muscle relaxant , and also used for anxiety..... i use pregabalin which is also for seizures..and treats anxiety also used for pain with people with diabetes ... i dont think one meds have just one use, they can treat a wide range of conditions .... i hope this helps you ....

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A few things...1) don't freak out just yet...anti seizure medication can be used for more than just seizures. I know they tried it on me for pain (fibromyalgia-chronic muscle/skeletal pain)

2) it never hurts to find additional info on any drugs

3) intuition is our best friend when it comes to medication...so if you have a gut feeling that it isn't right...that might be enough to question it and find more info have a real discussion, but if you are concerned only by what you read be careful because of misinformation floating around. I would get all the facts before making any decisions/drawing any conclusions

4) often if it's a gp prescribing the meds they don't have quite the understanding of mental health as a psychiatrist or someone...and even some of them I find are quick to prescribe -- make sure you know your body. I was prescribed gaba-pentin for pain and that one turned out to have a really negative effect on my mh. I started having violent sh urges and a really explosive temper (anger is not usually one of my main bpd issues so that's when I knew something was definitely up).....so if you notice any drastic changes like that it is definitely something to bring to the attention of a gp or psychiatrist

5) Ask for the accompanying info for any drugs they put you on. If it is a psych prescribing I know for ssri's or anti-psychotics and things like that they have these little charts that say the risks of each side effect etc. I find that is more helpful to make an informed decision cuz then if you see the drug they want to put you on will completely kill your sex life or make you bloat up and gain a bunch of weight those can be things to consider and weight the pros and cons - also that way you can familiarize yourself with other medications they might be talking about trying (they always have new drugs they want to try or drugs that 'they've had lots of promising experience with' - which is basically a way to entice you into taking it...but you might find there is something you feel would be less risky side effect wise or that you've had better experiences with in the past etc)

6) monitor your dosage- they will take advantage of naivity around medication. When I was first prescribed drugs for mh reasons I had a bad expreience. They put me on too much (they prescribed me right away 10mg olanzapine and 30 paxil for my bpd.....but from what I've heard and come to learn most skitzophrenics only get prescribed like 2.4 mg olanzapine and that you are supposed to get blood testing to make sure you don't develop diabetes and they weren't monitoring it at all for me or anything)...I gained a bunch of weight and started having numbness in my hand from this medication- so I'm always a little extra cautious now about medication

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If you do some more resesrch you will find that there are a few anticonvulsant drugs used to treat Bipolar disorders.







They have been found to help with stabalising moods as well as seizures so your psychiatrist is not playing games with you.

You have only been on your meds for 2 weeks. A lot of meds used for psychiatric diagnoses can take longer than that to start fully working so give them some time. Also they all come with side effects to start with.

By all means if you are concerned with your medication then speak with your psychiatrist.

Aurora :)

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