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How Do You Get A Therapist/ Psychologist?


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Hi all,

I often read on here that people have therapists and psychologists.

Were these offered to you or did you have to ask?

I have a CPN and attend DBT but that's it. Rarely see my psych.

I saw a psychologist for a bit in hospital but when I came out they took her away from me and said

that was for inpatients only.

It just seems to be a lottery in mental health-if someone wants to refer you they will and if they

can't arsed then they won't.

Should I ask or demand to see a psychologist?


Rufusmoo x

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Do you not have 1 to 1 sessions as well as group as part of your DBT?

I would imagine because you are doing DBT already they wouldn't put you forward for another therapy until it has finished and they felt you needed it.

Aurora :)

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Usually if you are already attending therapy you will not be referred to another therapist until that therapy is concluded. It's generally seen as a bad idea to be persuing two types of therapy or see more than one therapist at a time as they may have different ideas and ask you to do different exercises and things which may leave you overworked, overstressed and also confused if the two therapies contradict each other.

Do you have a 1-1 therapist as part of your DBT therapy? I believe that you're supposed to have group therapy and a 1-1 therapist?

In general it is probably best, if you are wondering about if you can find a therapist or not, to ask your CPN as they would be the first port of call- and could give you more information and point you in the right direction. You could even ask the practitioner who is teaching you DBT skills.

You can ask to see a psychologist if you feel it would help, the worst they can say is no- sometimes you really have to push for things with the mental health services if you feel it is in your best interests!

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I have been seeing a psychiatrist at the hospital (covered under the medical plan) since my diagnosis in November once a month. However now it's upped to two weeks - I don't know if this will be an ongoing thing, as he says he is going to refer me to a BPD group. I had a free counsellor for a while with a "samaritan" type program here, but I knew as soon as I met him that he was ineffective and I stopped seeing him after just a few sessions.

I also see a student psychotherapist who is (apparently) supervised by a psychiatrist. I pay next to nothing for that. I feel our sessions aren't going anywhere, and I feel that he pushes buttons deliberately sometimes to experiment and use me as a research project and to learn from me... because guaranteed I am the most unique and interesting person he has ever met (there is much you will never know).

A few months ago I was an inpatient and had access to a crisis home care team after I was released - but that was just temporary until they deemed I was no longer at risk... but here I am, back to where I began (only worse).

I don't live in the UK and to my knowledge - sessions with a psychologist are costly... either that or there is a very long wait list (a year or longer) if you are referred by your GP.

Usually they want to stick us in DBT and such group programs.. it's standard for Borderlions. Cost-effective and supposed to be highly "effective". I am already having doubts that it will be the best treatment method for me. I would like one on one sessions in addition to the BPD group I will be going into. Here, it's not standard that you have free access to one to one therapy along with DBT. It costs extra.

Oh.. and just an add-on: I ended up with my diagnosis and sessions with the psychiatrist because I went to my (new) GP and told him I will kill myself, and he wrote me a note to take to the hospital, and I went straight after. When I got the the hospital they "certified" me and had several lengthy "interviews". Then within a couple of days I had a assessment with the psychiatrist I see now (same hospital).

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All I've ever been given is a few sessions of 6 week counselling sessions. Not the answer at all for the things that have gone on in my life and the lack of support and understanding around me. I've questioned the same thing. I can't get any help at all.

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