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he's in a relationship and won't be leaving her. we both agreed that we should not be in that situation, as it's not good for anyone involved, but somehow we always still seem to end up back together. i'm not proud of it. the part of me that so badly wants to be loved usually ends up giving in, even though it just ends up making me feel worse in the long run.

despite what he sounds like, he is not actually a really bad guy, in my opinion, just a weak one

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Don't be hard on yourself. It's hard to stay strong even when you know it'll hurt more in the long run. You just want to feel loved and feel better in that moment.

Ok so he's not bad, just weak, but he is with someone and knows he won't leave. He must also know that you are vulnerable and that this hurts you.

I don't know manja. Knowing what's good for you and how you feel are rarely the same thing are they.

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Glad you're feeling sleepy so sweet dreams again. Thank you, you've helped take my mind of all the silly little things and feeling sorry for myself xx

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