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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/10 in Posts

  1. Joshua

    Reputation System

    I have taken into consideration some of your points about the new repuation system. I think its accurate to say there has been some controversy over the use of this system. I would again like to say how important it is we are all able to take feedback from others and realise the impact we have on the lives of those around us and this system can be great for highlighting this, should it be used in the way its intended. I am simply not going to remvoe this feature at the first sign of trouble. This being said I have made the following changes – Users can now only leave a max of 10 positive and negative points per day (So use them wisely) Users can now see who has left them feedback. (On your posts you can see this) From this moment on – members who are found to misuse the system will face moderator action.
    3 points
  2. Hayz

    Reputation System

    who was it then ?? only you should be using your account no-one else!!
    2 points
  3. sanctuary

    Reputation System

    I couldn't be more divided on this. I think everything in this whole fucking world is open to abuse.... but it seems there is still something 'missing' from your masterplan josh... perhaps you need some of your own insight yourself? Or maybe perspective... all I know is it hasn't been thought through very wisely... there ya go.. some reputation feedback without using the system... lol. Use it!
    1 point
  4. Hayz

    Reputation System

    "At the end of the day, everyone has their problems, everyone has their reasons for coming here and if people really are SO upset about the running of the forums, then there's always the option of not signing in here anymore and finding other online support." That would be slightly hard if you have been coming here for over 2 years like me and have made many of friends and use this website everyday unlike you have only been here since this year.
    1 point
  5. fedup!

    Reputation System

    Don't get this business, at all,seriously. Why do people have to give a 'mark' or score next to a comment? Have I missed something? Why can't folk just post positive comments or constructive feedback? If people are abusing this forum, surely there are other ways of bringing people to task, rather than giving them a 'negative point'?? This is a supportive forum for people with MH issues. If someone has a bad day and posts something that others see as negative, they may feel mortified later. Some of us can live without this reputation system, it makes no difference. However, others are genuinely upset and may be put off from coming here - surely thats more important than 'trying out' a system? We already have a system here of how people perceive us. Scoring people just seems a bit clinical. **fedup! jumps down off soapbox** xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    1 point
  6. treadgently

    Reputation System

    I'm concerned as I put a couple of negatives on people's posts today and it may seem totally unfair to people. I just thought that the posts that I put negative on were aggressive and seemed to promote the fact that violence or being verbally aggressive/pushy/insulting were okay. That is all but I fear that the posters will maybe see it as me condemning them as people and I'm not. I'm now anticipating a ton of grief in return but there you go. I await a ton of negative points now.
    1 point
  7. Jelly-bean

    Reputation System

    yes i know, and its more fair now, will stop trolls from being negative for no reason thats what i ment, which is a good thing
    1 point
  8. Elke

    Forum Upgrade

    Don´t really like the idea of reputation points, Josh. To me as BPD it is too much like labeling - and maybe even discriminating. Its my personal problem, but certain flashbacks crashed down on me when I saw/read it.
    1 point
  9. treadgently

    Reputation System

    PS, I never put any positive or negative before the 2 that I did today. I don't want people thinking that it was me who was messing around and playing mind games. It was not me. Thanks.
    0 points
  10. Joshua

    Reputation System

    Then i havent achieved what i set out to do. Its not about stopping people from being negative. Positive and negative feedback is what this system is about and all of us having a bit of insight into how others around us perceive us.
    0 points
  11. Jelly-bean

    Reputation System

    i think this is fair it will stop people being negative :)
    0 points
  12. sophhee23

    Donations Needed

    Hi ive just paid £30 to become a VIP sponser but its not showing up on my status as yet, also the information said i would recieve a 10% discount in the bpd world shop??? i didnt even know there was a shop?? Can anyone help please. Thankoo xxx
    -1 points
  13. Brokenbutterfly

    Checking In! (How Do You Feel Today)

    Am ok today, bit love sick.. Nervousness in my tummy feeling but am doing ok :)
    -1 points
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