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A Personal Question To The Females On The Board!


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To answer a question asked here somewhere. When I was put on anti d´s I wasnt told it could influence my periods but it did. I noticed on the leaflet its noted as a side effect and when I told my doc he wasnt surprised to hear Im skipping periods all the time and he confirmed its the anti d I take.............

Some meds like Zoloft tend to make you more regular. So it depends on the med, if you want to know about a particular med google it.

Ive had anorexia and that really influenced it too in the past.


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What is PCOS?

Can not menstruating really cause osteoporosis and diabetes?

Two years ago my body fat was really low which is why I stopped menstruating for about a year, but I've gained weight since then and still don't menstruate often. Could my hormones still be messed up? I went for blood tests about six months ago, but I had just started menstruating again for a couple of months.

I thought it could be healthy not to menstruate. I once read about going on six week cycles to menstruate less. Doesn't it reduce the risk of some kind of cancer? Like women who have given birth have a reduced chance of some kind of cancer because they stopped menstruation for a period.


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