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Newbie Saying Hello


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Hi Everyone

I just wanted to say hello as I just joined the site tonight. It is really good looking at some of your posts because I don't feel so alone anymore, I know there are other people out there that understand the sorts of things that I go through. I have a mixture of things going on, lots of anxiety, depression and BPD traits (the shrinks can't decide whether to diagnose BPD or not!). To reply, sort of, to one of the topics I read, the craziest thing I ever did was stand in the middle of the road at rush hour totally stopping the traffic until the police came. I thought people would see my pain then help but I just got a lecture from my GP about the right and wrong ways to ask for help! Hope to get to know you all better soon.


What are days for?

Days are where we live.

They come, they wake us

Time and time over.

They are to be happy in:

Where can we live but days?

Ah, solving that question

Brings the priest and the doctor

In their long coats

Running over the fields


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Hello. The people on here have been really supportive to me, so I'm sure that you will find it helpful. I'm still trying to get the hang of it, but no-one seems to mind my mistakes and daft questions. welcome ayse.

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NOVEMBER 5TH, 2005 4:27PM

Hello and WELCOME Ayse29!

SORRY that you were feeling so terrible that the rush traffic was the only way you could deal with it! I am just so glad that you were not hurt in any way, nor anyone else. I am also glad that you found this site to be among friends, and people who do truely Understand the pain and suffering that each goes through, and are willing TO LISTEN, TO ENCOURAGE, and TO CARE!!!!

"POST" when you want and know you ARE NOT ALONE!



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Hi again everyone

Thanks so much again everyone for your support and welcoming me to the site. Thanks so much Polar 2 for your kind message. Thankfully I have not felt that bad in a long time and I really would not recommend anyone stood in the road no matter how bad things get. Plus I am luck to have a really supportive family and it hurt them so much that I was feel so low that I could do something like that. I was really luck not to be hurt and not to get anyone else hurt, as Polar 2 said. I guess lots of us do things we wouldn't usually do in times of crisis. But now I know I always have supportive people to turn to for help and I am sure this will help me to never feel that desperate again because no matter how bad things get I know that I am not by myself.

Take care all X


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Hello there Ayse and welcome!!!

I'm sorry about things that have happened for you. I totally understand what you mean about doing things in a crisis that we wouldn't do usually. I do the most craziest things that people would question my sanity even.

In any crisis, I put myself at risk that I may die, cause accidents to happen on purpose so they're not really accidents in the end. Anyway, just remember you're not alone. Everyone will be supportive, this has been a great place for me. I may disappear for a while, but I come back because I know people here actually care about me.

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Dont worry about the traffic thing: I think everybody in here is prone to peculiar behaviour from time to time. When I was fourteen, I decided I'd set up camp on a roundabout - in the middle of the town centre :blink:

Eventually the police came and hauled me away, and asked me WTF I thought I was doing... I think I might have mentioned something about Karmic Rejuivination, and restructuring my DNA, before they took me home to my horrified family...

I think you'll fit in just fine in here :D

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