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Not Quite Sure If I Have A Bpd, So Help?


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I'm sorry if this is in the wrongest place ever, but I just wanted to ask this...I know noone can diagnose except a skilled pro, but I wanted to see if what I feel is what someone with a BPD would feel.

For me, I'll get upset really easily, lash out, and feel this way for about a half an hour, then feel guilty for the rest of the day. I break down and cry for no reason at least once weekly, and I know it's hard on my loved ones.

If I'm close with someone, I'll admire them, and then when I feel as if they are ignoring me, I'll hate them. I'll lash out then, and it's truly disturbing.

I'm a very unstable person and I've been like this for about 6 years now. I'll feel despairing sad, want to kill myself, and then feel fine. What the heck is that?

I'll feel fine, one little thing happens, usually with a loved one, and I'm detached. I can FEEL my emotions switching, and I feel physically detached from my mind.

I don't know what to think...am I or am I not? Does it seem to fit? Because what I am reading, seems to answer alot...

I'm about to go into therapy, so should I ask my therapist about this?

Thanks a lot!


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Welcome, i hope u like it here. Its not the wrongest place and feel free to ask what u want.

It sounds like some of the BPD traits but as u know only a skilled professional can say.

Your very welcome here what ever and feel free to post what u want (as long as its inline with terms and conditions) Everyone heres great.

It will prolly be a good idea to talk to therapist.

Take care and i look forawrd to getting to know u


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Since you are going to a therapist soon, why not print these out or write these symptoms down and tell them and ask them!

Then you'd know alot better from a professional.

You sure are going through alot of mood swings though.

Must be awful for you.

Hope you get the help you need! :)

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I think it is good that you are going to go see a Professional because you are correct only a Proffessianal can officaily diagnose you. but I must say it is great that you think you have a fair idea of your illness, this can and WILL help you a Long way in recovery and getting better. If i had of known what was wrong with me or even had any idea before i ended up in hospital at 16 mighty confused im sure things would have been very differnt.

Self Awareness is a great thing. WEll done and Good Luck at the Dr. *but one thing, dont expect them to Diagnose you in one session....*

**Also I know you typed some symtoms but I was wondering if you had seen the DSM-IV Criteria for Diagnosis Of Borderline Personality Dissorder.

This is what the Dr's/Therapist whom ever is diagnosing you adn treating you will look to first and foremost to give you the ever so hater yet sometimes loved label.

**I am not sure if its ok to put a link here but its for this site.. so hope its ok. But helps to read.



Katy :wub

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Sounds alot like BPD to me!!

Yes, make an appointment with both a therapist and a psychiatric doctor. Only a doctor can diagnose BPD, but a therapist can help you with your symptoms.

A really great book though is Borderline Personality Disorder Demistified: An essential guide for living with and understanding BPD. Its by Robert O. Friedel

I just bought this book yesterday and I'm already halfway through... Its very helpful!!!

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Hi Lauren,

Yes, talk to your therapist about this. do you have a psych? they would be the best person to ask in my opinion. bpd is often diagnosed after a long period of time based on your behaviour, as you probably know, so your therapist will be able to talk through you behaviour and responses.

angela x

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