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Is it just me, or does anybody else have to concentrate really hard on going to sleep?

It's like I know I need to go to sleep but don't want to or I'm really tired but can't get to sleep and then I start thinking about things and just randomly change subjet until I end up lost in deep thought and then it's morning!

I have no idea if that makes any sense to anybody (blame it on the sleep deprivation :lol: ) Is this just moi being wierd or are any o you also like this? :wacko:

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im like that... ill go to bed and lie there for hours... ill be physically exhausted and want to sleeep but i just cannot sleep. it's so annoying... so ill go to better exhausted and get up exhausted because i couldnt get to sleep... gah... annoying.

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they say, whoever they are, that if you arent asleep in 30 minutes, get up and try again. Now this is what I do, I play a CD over and over and over again till I die of boredom and pass out. I can usually sleep, the insomnia doesnt happen very often but when it does, its a blitch.

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Heya im new

I know exactly what ya mean. I don't need to concentrate tho, my mind just wonders randomly an that stops me from sleeping. I can jus lie there for hrs thinkin bout randomness and its rele annoyin! So ya i sympathise! Sum1 sed 2 me count sheep....well most people wud dream of lots of little sheep jumpin over a fence..not me..i think of three sheep goin round in a circle! I cant sleep then coz it makes me laugh! :P Any way i hope ya manage to sort it!

luv ya xxx


Crimson xx

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I lie there thinking about something then go off on a random tangent in my mind and eventually end up thinking aboouts omething really weird which bugs me and then I have to go back through my thoughts to find the link from the firat subject tot he last - make sense? Didn't think so

My point is that yeah I have to think really hard to get to sleep. I used to read or watch TV until I feel asleep but these days if I do that I will go through 2 books a night or 2 3hr videos!

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Sleep is one of the most annoying thing for me. Had another day off work today because I had no sleep until morning. Is it better to stay up all night and go to work early, or try and sleep even if it means you get really late at work and end up owing loads of hours?

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I go through phases of sleeping all the time or not at all, then i ususally listen to music, surf the web, read etc, sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt.

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I lie there thinking about something then go off on a random tangent in my mind and eventually end up thinking aboouts omething really weird which bugs me and then I have to go back through my thoughts to find the link from the firat subject tot he last - make sense? Didn't think so


that makes perfect sense to me! ill be lying in bed and realise that im thinking about something incredibly random and stupid and then ill get to wondering how i got to be thinking about it and so i too have to trace it back otherwise i just cannot get to sleep... its fun when before now ive gotten from thinking 'hmm my back hurts' to capital punishment... heh.... odd the way people can manage to stop themselves from sleeping without realising it...

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I always had that problem. It's always been extreamly hard for me to sleep, but lately... it's gone to the other extream. I've been sleeping CONSTANTLY. I've been sleeping in till past time for me to get to school and going to be earlier. I've been sleeping all morning and into the afternoon when I don't have school.

I was staying with a friend last week when we were on fall break. Thursday morning just before 8:00 I got a call on my cell phone that woke me up. Erica was telling me to get my butt out of bed and get to the mall to meet for breakfast and then go shopping and play some DDR and what not. I told her 1) I don't want to get up, I'm sleepy (her responce to which was "Anna, are you ok? You're always up by 8!") and 2) That I wasn't in bed, I was on the floor and my back hurt like all get out. Every day... someone would come and wake me up. "Anna, time for band!" "Anna, we're leaving!" "Anna, get up, we gotta go get something to eat! I'm starving!" UGH!

I don't know which is better, not sleeping at all and not really needing sleep, or being able to sleep and needing more than you can get. I think I like the former more.

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woah...i thought the sleep thing was just me and i was really weird and stuff. I find it very hard to sleep. You can see from the time I';m posting that I'm up pretty late now. I just find that I keep disracting myself by finding things I need to do and then when I do go to sleep I'm always lying there just before I nod off thinking "oh shit, i need to do such and such..." like, worrying about all the bad connotations of me going to sleep! Lol, it seems pretty bloody ridiculous. early morning is one of the very few timnes i get to be alone with no othr sounds in the house so i kind of need that alone time to chill out and think. oh I dunno. Either way, it sucks.

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Insomia has alaways been a good fren of mine...she took a month's break recently n jus returned :angry:

my "sleep" never is deep, restful. Its often disruptive, short, filled with nitemares, tiring.

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