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Visit To The Psychiatrist


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Yesterday I had (hopefully) what was going to be my last visit to the psychiatrist. I was hoping to come off the medication and be discharged. I saw yet another different psychiatrist which was no suprise as I have not yet seen the same one twice in a row!

He was however very good and it was the first time I went without crying!

Anyway he said because I have only been stable for about two months, I need to go back in February and stay on the medication, he wants me to have been stable for at least six months before he will do anything to discharge me and stop the medication safely.

One thing he did say to me that I thought was good (even though it is common sense but I never thought about it really) is that - only you knows what goes on in your mind and people only know the bits you tell them, so, if you want people to help you, then you need to tell them as much as what is going on. By telling them only ½ or ¼ will not be much help. It felt quite worrying to me really as although I understood what he said and I feel like I have always told people everything that was going on in my mind, there was little things that I didnt bother to mention as I assumed they would have known, but hearing him say this to me today, made me realise, they possibly never did. They only ever knew what I told them.

It is just something to think about out.

Hopefully when I go back in February my dream (at the moment) will come true!

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I'm glad you feel good about your appt and felt listened to by the doc. Two months of stability is certainly something to celebrate! Seems like the doc is following a conservative path with the meds and that is good... you dont need to have a backset because you came off meds to early.


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