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Writing For Wrecovery


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LOL Sorry bout the title :) I just had the urge!

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else writes to help them understand what is going on, or help recovery, or to try to get emotions out in a less-damaging way?

I used to, before now, all the time. I don't seem to be able to write like I used to. At the moment, I'm blogging - I decided to do that to try to remember my life, to track what happens, and to share what is going on at this end :) If anyone wants to see (it is only new) it is at www.aylaah.livejournal.com (if I'm not allowed to post the link let me know and I'll remove it) if anyone wants to have a looksie.

I also used to write poetry, almost daily! I stumbled across a poem I wrote a few years back now, that shows (I think) some real insight into what is happening in my head, especially in my 'less stable' moments. I'm wondering if I should take it to my psych appointment, when I have one...

Please read, and comment, and all those other attention-seeking requests I have :P I'm in a good mood today, btw.

I don’t understand any of this

Feelings tearing around my body

Like cars on a race course

Emotions I have no reason for

Unexplainable sensations gush over me

Like a flood covers fields

Who do I talk to

I can’t justify it for myself

How can I explain it to others

When I don’t know what it is

Changing from one instant to the next

Even I don’t know what to expect

Lie to myself, others as well

Cover ups, conspiracies

All to achieve what

I ask you this, my friend, my ruler

Control freak

Let me in your world

So I may get a clearer picture of my own

Questions unanswered, none the wiser

No one to ask I suppose

Maybe with answers I’d know too much

Maybe I need a journey of discovery to find them

But what are the questions I ask

They are not specific words and sentences

Thus making them not even a question

Perhaps I’m wrong

There you go :)

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i think your writing is a good thing. lots of ppl use journaling to help sort out their thoughs. personally i have a terrible memory and use it just so i remember what happened day to day and that i was here!

we have blogs on here that you can use too. it's easy and you can leave them open for everyone to read and comment or keep them private so only you can see and utilize them. just thought i'd mention it.

keep writing and thinking and breathing!


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i liked what you wrote. it it my 'life experience' too

therapy will try to tell you oftentimes, that you do have reasons for every feeling you feel, you just don't 'know' them, because you 'blocked' them out

whilst this is true for some, it clearly isn't for others

and it isn't true for me by the way. block haha. i wish.

the other thing that struck me about what you wrote was that bit about journeying to find out a truth

sometimes the journey yields nothing but disappointment huh? you don't get to find anything out after-all? in this case, perhaps the journey can be enjoyed for other reasons, or perhaps the journey should be abandoned?

ha. i'm making absolutely no sense at all! shit! time to go!


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I keep a diary, of my thought and feelings.

My cpn has me writing a diary of achievments.

A few months ago I came across a diary I had written a few years ago and it made me so sad I cried. I felt really sorry for the person who had written it - then I realised it was me.



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I have had to throw out diaries too, Pip. I saw the ones from my mid-teens and I just couldn't bare to have them in the house.

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What's written in your diary aren't you, in my opinion. It's just the description of what you went through. And that's not enough to define "you".


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