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Being Honest In Therapy


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Am I the only one who hides the truth during therapy?

I don't get why I do it coz she's so lovely and we get along so well so why do i go in there and tell her that I am ok? I am sure she doesn't really believe me, if she does she's stupider than I thought. Maybe she knows I will let it all out one day and it's better not to push me. Maybe she's right. Who knows.

I hav to see her tomorrow and I am scared because I have to admit I haven't been honest. I am about as far from ok as it gets.

I think that perhaps it's my psych who needs to know all the stuff that's been going on but I am petrified of her and she doesn't want to see me anyways.

I don't want to tell my therapist becuase if I tell her it's ok I can delude myself into believeing, just for that 45 mins, that it really is ok. Stupid huh? Even more stupid is the fear that she won't care even though logically she is one of the most caring people I have ever met. But perhaps the worst fear is that she won't b able to help, that's what really gets to me.

I guess I don't want to face all of this pain so I let her carry on believing shes winning the battle with me.

Am I the only one who does this? I know she can't help if she doesn't know the truth but does she need to know all of it?

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i think sometimes we are not hiding the truth from them as much as from ourselves. yes we know it.. but it changes when we say it.

i am not sure of their reasoning but sometimes my t will push me while other times he will let me sidestep issues. dont know what his process for determing which way he goes is.

in general i think it is best to be truthful. why go through all this crap called therapy if you arent willing to deal with issues honestly. i will admit sometimes it is two or three weeks later when i begin talking about something but that is usually a protective mechanism and when i feel safer i will talk more.

when i cant answer things because they are way to painfull i usually end up shutting my eyes and mouth and just rocking or shaking. i guess this is a good sign to my t that he is getting more in depth that i am able to deal with at that time. he always comes back to the issue though. sometimes it takes bringing it up and backing away multiple times before i can even begin to discuss it. i guess the multiplicity of it helps to desensitive the subject somewhat so i can begin to talk. we played that game concerning my father for about 4 months before i would say anything. i cant say i felt any great amount of relief from it but i do think my t had a better understanding of where i was coming from after i talked.

guess this touched a nerve for me.. one i didnt even know i had.. thanks for listening to me!


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i think sometimes we are not hiding the truth from them as much as from ourselves. yes we know it.. but it changes when we say it.

i am not sure of their reasoning but sometimes my t will push me while other times he will let me sidestep issues. dont know what his process for determing which way he goes is.

in general i think it is best to be truthful. why go through all this crap called therapy if you arent willing to deal with issues honestly. i will admit sometimes it is two or three weeks later when i begin talking about something but that is usually a protective mechanism and when i feel safer i will talk more.

when i cant answer things because they are way to painfull i usually end up shutting my eyes and mouth and just rocking or shaking. i guess this is a good sign to my t that he is getting more in depth that i am able to deal with at that time. he always comes back to the issue though. sometimes it takes bringing it up and backing away multiple times before i can even begin to discuss it. i guess the multiplicity of it helps to desensitive the subject somewhat so i can begin to talk. we played that game concerning my father for about 4 months before i would say anything. i cant say i felt any great amount of relief from it but i do think my t had a better understanding of where i was coming from after i talked.

guess this touched a nerve for me.. one i didnt even know i had.. thanks for listening to me!


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  • 3 weeks later...

i know how dificult it is to be totally honest but when your in therapy the only one that looses out if your not honest is u. if u can please try hard to be totally honest otherwise u wil not get 100% from your therapy x

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