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Bpd In Films


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hi, me AGAIN (having a bad night)

been thinking about this a lot since i'm quite into visual arts and stuff but i saw this list on another excellent site about a year ago..its of bpd in films...check out this list..how do you feel about how these films educate the ignorant masses about bpd..

Film & Fiction with Borderline Characters


Not all of these movies are cinematic masterpieces, but they do portray (stereo-)typical BPD characters and behaviors:

Boogie Nights

Numerous brilliantly disordered performances -- esp. Julianne Moore, Mark Wahlberg, Burt Reynolds -- in this really excellent film about the 70's porn industry and its denizens in search of "family."

White Oleander

Realistic and scary portrait of Michelle Pfeiffer as homicidal BPD mother whose daughter must grow up in foster care, and their troubled relationship.

Mommie Dearest

Eerily accurate portrait of BPD/NPD Hollywood mother Joan Crawford. Based on the autobiographical book by Christina Crawford (who also wrote the intro to C. Lawson's Understanding the Borderline Mother)

Girl, Interrupted

(for the record: Angelina Jolie's character is a classic acting-out Borderline; Winona Ryder is less convincing as an acting-in Borderline in the title role) I recommend the book instead.

What Lies Beneath

Harrison Ford -- in an atypical role -- as gaslighting BPD husband

Now, Voyager

Film classic with Betty Davis, Claude Rains - middle-aged daughter of a shrewish, domineering BPD mother attempts to find her own path through therapy.

Body Heat

Kathleen Turner as seductress Maddy; William Hurt as a typically gullible non-Borderline -- great movie, too!

Ordinary People

Mary Tyler Moore is excellent as icy suburban BPD wife and mother who splits her sons and husband good/bad.

Betty Blue

Beatrice D'alle is brilliant as love-obsessed, self-injuring Betty, completely intertwined with her classically non-Borderline lover Zorg, in this gorgeous and tragic French film

Gia: Too Beautiful to Die, Too Wild to Live (1998 HBO film, available on videotape)

Directed by Michael Christofer, starring Angelina Jolie as the tragic supermodel Gia Marie Carangi.

For my money, this biographical movie is the very best screen representation of a female Borderline, vastly more emotionally insightful than Fatal Attraction. Jolie is uncannily brilliant in this Golden-Globe-winning role (and has written about her own personal experience with self-injury).

Fatal Attraction

Glenn Close as raging Borderline mistress

Sophie's Choice

Kevin Kline as Sophie's (Meryl Streep) very convincing BPD/Addict lover. William Styron's novel is even better in its detailed character study.

Single White Female

Jennifer Jason Leigh is just TOO realistic as scary BPD roommate

Sleeping with the Enemy

Patrick Bergin as Borderline/OCD husband to Julia Roberts' terrified wife.

Basic Instinct

(Sharon Stone as the classic bisexual femme fatale)

Black Widow

Theresa Russell as 'serial wife' caught by an unstoppable Debra Winger

The Effect of GammaRays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds

http://www.amctv.com/show/detail/0,,8991-1-EST,00.html Joanne Woodward won the Best Actress award at Cannes for her portrayal of a domineering alcoholic mother of two teenage daughters in this film version of Paul Zindel's Pulitzer Prize-winning play.

All About Eve

Brilliant story of friend-betraying actress/social-climber Eve Harrington, played to conniving, innocent-eyed perfection Anne Baxter.

Brilliant, entertaining classic with Bette Davis as the betrayed mentor.

Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte

Bette again in a NonBP role; this time playing the victim of a scheming cousin out for her property. Great illustraton of 'gaslighting.'

Play Misty for Me

Obsessed onetime fling Jessica Walter stalks Clint Eastwood


2002 film with Gina Gershon, Michael Biehn

Henry & June

(Maria de Medeiros as Anais Nin)

Breakfast at Tiffany's

(Audrey Hepburn as Borderline-Lite Holly Golightly, trying to please everyone but herself, and terrified of love)

After Hours

Fabulous dark comedy with Rosanna Arquette, Griffin Dunne


(Jessica Lange as Frances Farmer)

Looking for Mr. Goodbar

(Diane Keaton: schoolteacher by day, cruising sex-addict by night)

A Streetcar Named Desire

(or any filmed fiction by Tennessee Williams -- "Blaaaaanche!")

Dangerous Liasons

(John Malkovitch/Glenn Close as Borderline/NPD couple)

Memento (Guy Pierce as dissociative amnesiac)

Borderline Normal

Depicts the effects of maternal parental alienation on the child of a divorcing couple. 2002

Really cheesy but clinically pretty accurate 1982 TV movie with Shannon Dougherty


"SHE said: They had an affair. They were in love. He was leaving his wife. HE said: It never happened. Who do you believe?" 2002 TV movie with Jenna Elfman

Some actors have a certain intensity that garners them Borderline-type roles. Check out films with:

Faye Dunaway (esp. Chinatown)

Angelina Jolie (esp. Gia)

Edward Norton (esp. Fight Club and American History X)

Jennifer Jason Leigh (esp. Single White Female or Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle)

REEL PEOPLE: Finding Ourselves in the Movies

by Howard M. Gluss, Ph.D. and Scott Edward Smith

A fabulous detailed online compilation of portrayals of 8 different personality disorders in American movies.

Click on 'The Personalities' to read all about movies with BPD characters, and much more on BPD, NPD, HPD, etc. Great read!!

Movies and Mental Illness: Psychology, Psychiatry and the Movies

An extensive list of many DSM-IV disorders on film, compiled by Dr. Susan Nicosia, Professor of Film Studies, Daniel Webster College.

Annotated List of Films available on video that feature a character with BPD

As compiled by an Amazon reviewer.

also can anyone add to this list? any films you've seen which help describe/ experience bpd symptoms, do share!..

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out of those I've only seen Girl, interrupted. Interesting about the re acting out and in comment,

I guess I wonder why they always portray the sexual relationship stuff or the violence---which isn't really how it is. (in my experience anyway...wait until my book comes out ???!!!)

Sorry you're having a bad night, bored-a-line.


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thats what i thought! the sex and violence shock tactic seems to be building an inacurate view of bpd, theres no decent sympathetic portrayal of any of the symptoms.

i thought girl interupted was a shit film i have to say.

btw, thanks lorna

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This movie has alot of triggers. I watched the documentary on Aileen Wuornos long before this movie came out. The made for tv movies were crap. On web sites, they mention MI, I don't know if BPD is mentioned specifically.

In the documentary BPD is mentioned. They came out with the movie "Monster" based on some events, not all. It is an excellent movie, like I said many triggers. It came out in 2003. It was the first thing I watched after being dx'd.


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Hi? How's it going this morning/afternoon/evening?

Even the example in "Lost in the mirror" (otherwise a pretty good book, I think..Anyone else read it?) is full of the sex and violence in an understated way. (which is only about one of the DSM criteria after all, when you look at it)

What didn't you like about "Girl, Interrupted"?

I have heard people with BPD described as Relationally Traumatised, which is a way of describing it much better I feel, and also explains how many people diagnosed with BPD have PTSD.

(I'm not FORMALLY diagnosed with either, but I would describe myself as having Anxiety and PTSD with Borderline features.)

I believe the main question is IDENTITY, I myself know about being Lost in the Mirror, and, for me, recovery means being Found in the Mirror, being loved, seen, respected, heard for myself as I am...

(will get off my soapbox now :) Lets rewrite the DSM----perhaps..I could do it for my dissertation,--if I get that far-- now THERE'S a thought....)



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rationally traumatised..nice description..i wonder if people who dont have bpd can understand that!

girl interupted was poorly acted and had too much of a hollywood script. they didnt use timing, editing, lighting, sound or anything that makes film a great medium to convey the message. a book was more appropriate in that instance.

what are you studying lorna?

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Hi Bored-a-line,

Hm, I wrote RELATIONALLY (as in relationships) and you heard it as rationally....

I'm studying for an MA in Psychotherapy, tho I'm taking a year out this year.


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Bored-a-line, Thanks for posting that. I found it really interesting, as well as the replies. It gave a non, more insight as to what BPD is all about, cos after 2 months on this site (because I enjoy being here), I still don't understand BPD as much I would like. Thank you for a little bit more of an illustration. Jacinta.

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hey thanks back at you jacinta.

lorna, whats it like being involved in psychotherapy as part of your career? are you diagnosed bpd?

relationally traumatised..not sure what that means! im crap with words though!

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I have not seen all of these movies. Not many of them actually. Some that I have seen I never would have guessed they had a borderline portrayed in them. I have done lots and lots of reading on this disorder. Even though my understanding is getting better, it doesn't make me feel better or my symptoms better. It does help control my anger a bit.

Has anyone read "The Angry Heart"? My therapist is having me work with it. To be honest, it is very difficult and painful to do. I imagine if it is for one, likely it would be for all. I have been in therapy for 5 months and am not even half way through it. It isn't really big, just hard on the heart. It gives me much hope, and gives me such an understanding of this. I of course read every web site I come across, I also have the book "I Hate You, Don't Leave Me".

I'm not sure about movies portraying any MI. They are trying to make money. Having this and other dx's I am quite nervous about movies being out there knowing family could watch them to try to understand me. :huh: lol! (that would be the in laws, but it could get me out of some family events) have to make light of this sometimes, right?

I know that the movie Monster I mentioned is about a serial killer. It is filled with so much violence, and saddness.

I did see White Oleander. I think that Michelle Phiffer's portrayal of the mother (once she is in prison) is a good one of someone with BPD. The way she interacts with her daughter.

We all have different degrees of this. People can have traits, mild, fullblown. See what I mean?

Until Hollywood decides its more important to fight stigma than to make yet another movie to rake in bucks, then they will finally make films to accuratly portray all forms of MI.

Just my opinion


Hope everyone is well.

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Hi Bored-a-line,

Its kinda like being the 'wounded healer'-dunno about the healing bit, but I sure know what its like---been there, done that....Its a deep interest, but certainly not the easiest path.

My experience is that knowing what its like helps on both sides, though my boundaries can be really leaky and that's one of the things I have to mend....

Haven't seen any clients yet....

I'm not actually diagnosed BPD, when I was very depressed last year I went to the doctor, but he wouldn't give me meds or anything cos he said I had insight. :( (which doesn't always make it feel better, cos he didn't know how much my intellect and emotions were separated)Mind you I didn't tell him half of what I suffer at times.

[if I'd told a doctor ALL what was happening to me emotionally when I went through abreakdown when I was 24 (10 years ago) tho I'm sure BPD or SOMETHING would've been diagnosed...]

Mind you he left it to my therapist and I, which in the long term is good.

My therapist, when I asked, said I 'may be borderline', but she uses awareness of the traits more, rather than pathologising as it were.

Anyway, its not clear cut cos of my birth trauma, and early abandonment (in an incubator unable to bond with my mother) that is more PTSD related.

Dunno if that makes a lot of sense (I am rather fuzzy headed right now--came home from work early with what feels like but I hope isn't flu)


As to relationally traumatised---when a first relationship went wrong-not proper bonding with parent or parent not supporting essential needs like empathy, encouraging healthy assertion of needs, e.g reacting in a punishing way to 'tantrums' etc. A healthy model of relationship has not been integrated.

Sorry for the intellectual stuff.... :)


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I'm enjoying this, being a bit of a film buff I've seen 11 of the films. The only three I would rate are Breakfast at Tiffany's, Boogie Nights and Memento. I love the actor Philip Seymour Hoffman and I think PT Anderson is an amazing director but Boogie Nights gets a bit brutal towards the end which pretty much triggers me. It all ends happy though, so I just FF! (my little sister does the same thing when Mufasa gets it in The Lion King) I understand what you mean about Girl, Int not being that great a film and I enjoyed the book more. I read an article once about Winona Ryder and how she only picks crappy roles which end up with her having the supporting role, and it said the only good thing about GI was Jolie's performance. I do love Angelina though, she is such a wonderful human being, she doesn't go on tv to promote her role as UN Ambassador (like some, Geri Halliwell), but actually travels to other countries and donates her time. I read she's trying for her pilots licence and will give movies another 5 years and then become a pilot for the UN.

I think MI is usually portrayed in a pretty terrible way, I think the shock tactic and morbid fascination it causes is a big money spinner. If a film shows how bad life is it can then show how good it is at the end of the movie, and everyone leaves the cinema all warm and happy inside.

These are my thoughts anyway!


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  • 1 month later...

my mom got me this "gurl.com" book about bodies or something (i didn't really read it much) and it recommended girl interrupted as a book because a girl got put in a mental hospital "for not conforming." i'm not even kidding. that was FUNNY. /= sad, though. people just don't understand. it's not something that you wake up one day and decide to be...

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