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Something Weird I Don't Know What To Think About


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There's something that's been creeping me out my entire life. I think it's about time to address it.

I see things. Things that aren't really there, or so I'm told. I don't know if I believe it or not. Perhaps they're not real, or perhaps other people just can't see them. But it's not right for me to be the only one seeing something, isn't it? This has been going on my entire life... I remember not being able to sleep at night because I would see these things in my room, scampering around and looking at me. I don't know how to describe them. They're small and black and they have tails, kinda furry tails. They're not completly evil. but they scare me because they shouldn't be there. And they look at me... and follow me... and I can't get rid of them. No matter what, they don't go away. There will be days, I won't see them at all, but they always come back. Always. And there's this... I don't know how to descrive it. An orb, a ball of some type. It glows and zooms around. I'll see it at random points... sometimes I'll just be sitting there or walking somewhere. The other night I was walking down the hall from my room to the kitchen to get a glass of water before bed and it flew in front of me, so close to my face I jump and fell backwards trying to dodge it. When I looked up again, it was gone. Sometimes these things get on my nerves so bad I'll try to do something crazy like catch them. It freaks me out when the disappear again. I hear things, too. I hear things saying my name.

There's another freaky thing. This isn't the first time it's happened, but things come out of my dreams... and my nightmares. Two nights ago I was having one of those nightmares, the ones with the monster in it. That's the only thing I can describe it as. I've never seen It. I just know It's there. It makes everyone leave me, takes them away from me. In comes into so many of my dreams. The other night, I was dreaming that I was in my room after a little arguement with my parents and I heard a sound coming from my mom's room. I got worried and went to make sure everything was ok. I opened the door and my mom fell out dead. She had a big scratch across her chest and stomach from her right side to her left. It was like something with a huge claw had slashed her. My dad didn't care... he left. I was stuck there all alone with It there. I couldn't run and I knew I couldn't fight it. It was going to come out of my mom's room. It ran into the door. Then I woke up. I was in my room. It was exactly 3:00 am. And there it was. It was in my room, looking at me. I can't even describe what it looked like. I felt around me for something, anything... and all I saw was the green light on my phone, so I grabbed it and called Erik. It finally went away.

There's just something plain not right about all of this.

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I am not really sure what to say. There could be many explanations as to why you 'see' the things you do.

But I can understand how they must be disturbing.

Our brains are so frikkin complex that its often impossible to determine why any individual is experiencing something.

How much do the things you see effect you? Do you worry about it a lot? Or can you live fairly happily alongside it going on?

If it does bother you then you should speak to a psychiatrist about it. If you can it may help to keep a journal of when these events happen, and anything that is going on in your life at the time.

You never know it may provide a link.

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