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Missing My Pills


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I was on Valium all last week to help me through my crisis. The emergency doc and the GP prescribed them. they have helped me so much. They were only a small dose, 5mg, but they made me so i was able to work and function. I was cool, calm and collected in the classroom, no anxiety, no stressing.

They ran out on Friday :(

Missing them today.

Don't know how i am going to be on Monday at school, can't see myself being ok.

I'm at the psychiatrist (again) on Wedsnesday and i intend to ask him to prescribe them for me fulltime. I really hope that he will do so.

I know that the GP won't as she only gave me 4 last week and when i asked for more she said no because tehy are addictive.

I'm not bothered if they are addictive if they help.

Surely the point of meds is to help people function better in life?

Well, Valium helps me.

However, if the shrink won't prescribe them i have decided that i am giong on them anyway. I can get them illicitly.


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isn't it valium you were taking before when you were getting in a mess.

When i was on lorazpeam i was px prn and it worked better than regular dose as it helped me through the hard times not the everyday stuff


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Diazepam are poison.

I have been on them(prescribed) for years.

When they want to reduce my dose

I say Diazepam is like rat poison - however I have rats

How else do they intend to help me.

The legal driving limit is 10mg

They stay in your system for 72 hours

Good Luck



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Maybe you could try an alternative drug to start off with? There are other meds to help alleviate anxiety. That are not addictive.

Non of my docs will prescibe me a benzo, because there are so many people now suffering with addiction problems.

I can see how the valium would help, but in the long term it is really not a good drug to start on. And it really isnt a good idea to get it illegally. As tempting as it is. I was offered a benzo by someone online...But I know its just not a good idea!

Do you have any addiction problems? Do you think you could just take it as a prn? Or would you be left always wanting more?

Take care hun.

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i am prescribed them full time because my psychiatrist told my gp to prescribe them at my request becuase they do calm me down but i don't take them was addicted once and its not good especially if you've got kids but it is god to know they are there if i need them.

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Maybe ask your docs about buspirone. It's an atypical anxiolytic and is said to work almost as well as valium for some people, but it's more like ssri's or something like that, as far as it's not addictive, not a sedative and it works when you take it very regularily long term.

I started on it a few times and it always helped me in the beginning but some docs are very sceptical if it works at all and when I felt worse after three weeks or so they took me off it again. I started on it three times and it helped me initially every time.

When I started seeing my new psychiatrist she said that she has seen it work with many patients but that the other docs had never taken me up to the effective dose at all! That explains why it only worked initially. If I wouldn't be on venlafaxine I'd love to try it again to be honest.

Just a thought. You can read up on it on wikipedia as well.

I know how tempting benzos are but they are known to even increase depression instead of helping with it in the long run. And as someone else pointed out, you would have to increase the dose to get the effect you want and if you ever want to get off it after regular use it's said to be the worst physical withdrawal from any drug.

I think it's a bad idea to take them fulltime as long as you can survive otherwise.

I hope something will help you get through your workdays. Try to just stay with the moment for now. It's weekend!



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Jopo, yeah i do have addiction problems in a fashion. Hmm

Well, are the laternatives just as effective as valium?

eva, i'm on venlafaxine too so i guess i can't try the one you suggest

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Sorry I didn't read about your problems last week. I was in a terrible state going back to work after the holidays.

I went on flupenthixol which is an antpsychotic for two weeks.

It really puts me in a good mood and transforms me from being so messed up with anxiety that I can't function to being me at my best. They are not sedative either.

I hope you find an answer.

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I don't think there's a problem with taking both. The venlafaxine just helped easy the general anxiety so it wouldn't make sense to take it both. I just wish I hadn't started on it because of the withdrawal things and kept to the buspirone instead.

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Colonzapam helps with anxiety and isn't as addicting I don't think...I was on them for a short time and they helped with sleeping and keeping me calm..try and ask about those..

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I think we'll manage to make you sick just at the thought of any sort of pills with all our ideas :P
my doctor has prescribed me 10 mg diazipam and 1 mg lorazepam for years.if your doctor wont give u any more, there is a drug called atarax which is an anti histimine also liscenced for anxiety. maybe u could give that a try xxx
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Blade I am the diazepam queen

- as everyone knows

but I understand your GP not giving it to you.

Soon 5mg wouldn't touch you.

I could take 25mg and still function

- most people would be knocked out

It is a hard one - I don't mind taking it

- infact I like it

(which is wrong, I know)

I am on 30mg daily

I try not to take it all

Sometimes days go by and I haven't taken any

- but the opposite is true also.

I wish I had the answer.

If you knew you could do it short-term

then I would say do it.

But you have to drive,

Try another class of anxyiolitic.

Benzos also kill your memory

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gosh pip.

the reason i want the valium is cos they helping me get over hte stopping of my risperidone.

if they can prescirve something that will do the same job as valium then that is cool.

just need help

doc is phoning me after morning surgery

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GP phoned. She won't give me any tablets at all.

she said she will fax my shrink to tell him how i have been - that's it!

thakns a bunch for sweet FA doc

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Wish i knew what to say, i understand why they are hesitant to give you them. However they want to put themsleves in your shoes and then they would soon bloody chnage there mind, oh don't get me started. I really feel for you but then again i know thats not much use the way you feel.

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