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4am...and Im Up Again!


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:blink: oh joy!!

The scissor sisters being the backdrop to one holy argument again! when will it stop..i had to get up, to stop it and redirect my thoughts.....and i'm here....

I really think i'd go crazy otherwise...coffee, fag and my puter later i may get a few hours more in a wee while....bummer eh?

Please tell me can any meds help with this?.....my bf has even started sleeping on the sofa, so as not to wake me before my precious 4 hours sleep is up......then i wake him and he come sto bed when i am up!

I swear if he ever gets into a relationship that is nt with a crazy person he will think he has fallen into luxury!

jai :blink:

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Are you taking or have you taken previously any sleeping meds? If yes, which ones? And did they help?

If you havn't then it is certainly something to look into.

Is it nightmares that are waking you up?

I have trouble getting myself to bed...And once there, struggle, waking with nightmares. It used to be that I would have someone to calm me down, and I would fall back alseep. This is no longer the case which makes things more difficult...And so therein lies my not wanting to go to sleep! Lol sorry that was longwinded, and quite self absorbed!

But anyways...I can relate. And it sucks!

If it is nightmares, then the grounding techniques I posted in a previous thread of yours can help, and I used to find it allowed me to drift off back to sleep.

Or maybe keep a dream diary...And work from that.

Lol, I'll shut up now! Lack of sleep is making me loony. :blink:


Take care hun x

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thanks Jopo

these days i am usually woken by music cycling in my head with an argument or conversation going on that i can nt control....so i have to get up and do something to stop it.....sometimes, like straight after therapy nite terrors kick in but again, i dont know what they are about, i only know cos i scream myself awake....

the sleepers i have tried are zoplicone in the past, they made me sick, and temazepam, which being highly addictive only take two nites consecutively when i really am at my wits end with it....usually about every 7 days or so....they only give me around an extra 2 hours sleep in all, so i often wonder if its worth it!

otherwise, i don't know am thinking about talking to my t and then my gp and maybe get a psych referrel for this....the gabapentin should help with this, but i even bulldoze through the effect of them...

thanks for the questions and the loonyness......!!


ps. my bf likes your dancing cat, do you have a link for it that you can share?




pps. he is nt allowed to read here, he just has seen it from the afar position of the sofa whilst playing his xbox...

did nt want you to worry about that...



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Have you tried sleeping with some background noise? Or maybe with a personal stereo or mp3 player or something? With some nice relaxing music. It might help to take your mind off whatever is going on up there. When I was younger I used to really struggle to get myself to sleep, as I found it very difficult to relax and switch off my brain, with constant noise going on up there, but I found this helped me. I used to use the ultimate chill out album or something...I nicked it off my sister! lol.

The meds, well they don't seem to be helping all that much. I guess they can help you sleep, but they can't shut the noise off that is waking you up! If tamazepam isn't knocking you out then I don't know what to suggest!! It would deffinately be worth bringing it up with your T, or GP, to see if there is anything they can suggest. Or like you said a refferal to a psych for further help.

No probs bout the questions...And as for the loonyness, that comes as standard! :P

I kinda like it round here at this time of morning...Its quiet. And there are not a million posts a second(well slight exaggeration...but you get the idea!)

The dancing cat...Just right click on it, and save it to your computer. You can then use it online through a photo hositng site, or just marvel at the dancing wonder on your computer! lol! Although Im not sure it will dance on your computer. But if you upload into photobucket it will dance for you in there! :D

Well I am gonna have to try and get some sleep! And I need to go to the postbox before I go to bed and post a couple of things...Why I am telling you this I don't know! lol! I blame the loonyness again! :lol:


Take care hun x

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I talked to my T about this the last time i saw him his adivce

no stimulates late at night or evening...coffee , tea etc.

wait until you feel you can't stay awake anymore then go to bed if your not asleep in 30 mins get up and do something not just watch TV...do puzzles,clean etc.

don't return to bed until you feel exhausted again. again if you don't get to sleep in half an hour get up.

Don't sleep in the day

and he reckons in 4 -5 days your body will sort itself out...

I have been managing to get to sleep better this way i get racing thoughts too.

I am still having broken sleep but this is complicated by my monring sickness ( through the night)

may be worth a shot for you


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Hope you're asleep now, what Mrs. Tree says is true, go to bed only when you feel you are going to sleep, make a ritual on putting your pj's focus on your breathing and have some relaxing exercises, like breath in and slowly breath out. And tell yourself what a wonderful rest you'll have.

Take care,


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i am on an anti depressant called mirtazapine and that has a big sedative element to it, i was not sleeping through the night before and now i am. If you suffer from depression maybe its worth talking to yuor GP about a change in meds

try not to have caffiene before going to bed, maybe read before you sleep or listen to music, if you wake early get up walk around and go back to bed again it may help.

Sleeping pills can be good in the short term but not for the long term

These are just some things that have helped me....................dont know what else to suggest sorry

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Wish I could help.

I too suffer with what I call my "whirring" mind. Am in bad place at moment with lack of sleep. And only been trying negative ways to knock me out. I know they don't help long term but get so desperate! :wacko:

Sorry that there are so many who have this problem but thanks for the thread. I will try some of the positive suggestions too.

Hope you had some rest in the end.


mort x

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thanks for all the replies, and good suggestions..of the ones i have tried there is....

only caffine free drinks..

i do nt have trouble getting to sleep its staying asleep

i do nap in the day time as i am exhausted and if i dont nap, i get really ill, physically i mean, so that is a bit of a vicous circle

sleeping meds clearly are nt working

anti d's make me rapid cycle

i read to try to get back to sleep but dont usually focus that well

mostly i come on here or do the ironing! to tire myself out..

i think my t needs to know, i and i need to get some idea from him what he thinks is going on too

it is driving me nuts tho....and now i am completely knackered, last night i went back to bed, had chronic pain , needed a bath , a hotty, pain meds, read for a bit, by 6am slept, woke at 7am and now have done the shopping , and need to put away and clean...

but im too tired for it, so reading and a nap i think!

i will try after today to not take the naps...i should have been knackered after yesturday but was nt....

anyhow, thanks again everyone




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