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The Little Girl In Me


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The Little Girl In Me~

Looking through the window of her soul,

The "Son" begins to fade

The darkness has taken over,

But she longs to see His face

She buries herself deeper,

because of rejection and pain

For those He sent to protect her,

didn't even know His name

Days went by as the little girl cried,

Isn't there more to life?

Please want someone to reach into

this hurting heart and stop the pain

I've tried

Noone heard the cry of her heart,

that was deep within her soul

So years went slowly by,

tearing this child apart

Desparately seeking a way out,

she didn't know which way to go

For all she knew was hurt and pain,

from those that say"Ilove you so"

So she buried herself deeper,

for she knew what not to do,

Desparately seeking a way out,

she closed her eyes and wanted to die,

for surely death could stop the pain

Suddenly a sweet voice filled the room,

and peace began to fall

"My name is Jesus" He said, and a love

she had never felt suddenly satified her soul

The Light broke through the darkness,

the shackles began to fall

As Jesus spoke gently these words,

"Oh Daughter I LOVE YOU SO!"

The little girl inside cried out,

why did this happen to me?

And His tender voice spoke aloud:

"It made you WHO you are"

The tears began to fall,

but as a cleansing this time

"Let it out",

said this Man,

"For you see, I felt the same pain and rejection,

When I died for you on Calvary,

And all those times you felt alone, I was there"

"Take my hand precious child,

As I carry you this day

For I am the mendor of your soul,

I will take the pain and hurts you feel

and replace it with my love"

"The scars you carry will always be there,

Just as I carry them too,

Only to remind you ,

what I did for you this day."

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"As you walk your journey,

remember the words I say

My heart is placed inside you,

My compassion you shall feel

reach out to those that are hurting,

and show them that I care"

"Your life has a purpose and meaning,

Although you could not see

As the Son began to fade,

and the darkness crept in,

for your head was hung low

As the little girl inside

tried to look through the windows of your soul"

"So take My Hand this day precious Daughter,

for I made you the woman you are

Keep your eyes focused on Me

as the darkness begins to fade

and the SON takes over,

As thje Little Girl turns into

THE WOMAN I have called you to be"

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