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Could some one flesh out what feeling 'empty' actually means ? I know this is a symptom of bpd but is it the same as feeling flat/lifeless? Outside of mood reactivity feeling emmotionally one dimensional?

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To me, feeling 'flat' is to feel no emotions at all. Just nothing.

The emptiness (in my words) is feeling like you don't have a soul. It is very unsettling, painful. You try to find ways to fill the void. I'm sure others might be able to explain it differently.

Hugs to you.


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I go completely numb - I think its almost like a form of dissociation.....

Nothing gets in and there IS nothing to come out.....


Ginny :unsure:

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When that happens, I just feel hollow, like an empty shell...

I suppose the closest analogy I can come up with is a clothes-hanger...the clothes I shrug on and off are what others see, which isn't the real me (and I can assume an assortment of 'looks' or 'guises'...for want of a better word...depending on who I'm interacting with...it's almost like an automatic reaction)...but what I really am is merely the little bit of nothing that props up all these different outfits/identities.

I often feel like a non-person, like I don't actually exist...that all there is to me is the anger, depression etc etc, and even all that might be 'artificial'. This can sometimes feel completely surreal, almost like an out-of-body experience...

Anyone has experienced something similar, or is it just me? :unsure:

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I often feel like a non-person, like I don't actually exist...

I have felt this since I was a child - that was what started the SI..... how weird... I have never heard anyone say this before...

Thanks Lille Eskimit - I am not alone..

Ginny :unsure:

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