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Comorbid Disorders/recovery


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So on this coming weds I have an appoinment with my very junior non english speaking psychiatrist. :angry:

Anyway he drives me barmy. He must be six months out of training (well he may still be a trainee considering he has to consult with his boss over everything? )

He insists on treating my other disorder/illnesses before he will even consider refering me for any kind of therapy. (not sure he even has any intention of doing anything other than hand out meds to be honest, my gp is proberly more lknowledable in that area anyway (seriously)

Thing is lots of my issues have been caused by bpd. So to my mind untill I get a better grip on that nothing is going to fix the rest.

Sure you can medicate depression and to an extent OCD traits. You can chuck out benzos for anxiety and anti psychotics to add to the mix :P

But it doesnt really work. I started the whole med game with prozac when I was about 16.Since then there havent been many I havent given a go.

Some have been disaterous others ok. But whilest they may make you more able to function and get on with doing the basic get up, go to work, house work, childcare , pretend to enjoy yourself crap they dont get rid of those feelings that rip away at your inside.


Its like someone who is depressed because there spouse just died. You can help them to function with meds. But you cant take away the hurt and grief that gos with it.

Sorry but to me it all seems backwards.

Heh, oh and a good one is 'just quit drinking' then look and talk to me like im some idiot that doesnt realise that its bad for me.

FFS are they really so stupid that they cant see its all connected?

If I didnt hurt so damn much I wouldnt need to drink, self harm, starve myself, binge, be unable to love. have mixed up ideas and proberly wouldnt even have psychotic episodes.

Is this just me talking crap , or does it make any sense to anyone else?

If so PLEASE, PLEASE help me find a way to get them to see it.

An angry and frustrated



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I agree with all that you are saying. It is backwards, I will also agree that meds to treat your symtoms are often necessary. I'm on them, it usually takes time to find the right combination that works. However with BPD, the feelings still breakthrough. You still have your nosedives into depression, some moodswings. But they are waaayyyy more manageable.

BUT therapy is key to wellness. Therapy will help to fill that emptiness that we try to fill with drinking, food, etc. It also helps in all other aspects of BPD. Therapy is the most important part for borderlines in my opinion.

I think you are 100% right on this. I don't have any advice on how to convince him. Ask again for therapy, be open minded about meds. As I said, I'm on them and it is really helping. I still have bad times, but the bad times aren't as constant. They don't seem to last as long. I'm in a better way most of the time. I have only been on meds and in therapy for about 5-6 months, so I have a ways to go.

If you are still denied therapy, can you go on your own and find a therapist?

Good luck


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