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How Do You Know If You Are Psychotic?


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How do you know if you are psychotic?

My psychiatrist prescibed me anti-psychotics today. She didn't say it was for psychosis but she is not forthcoming about anything. Wabbit assures me that Risperidone can also act as a mood stabiliser, so this I understand, but there are mood stabilisers out there that are NOT also for psychosis. So she must think I have psychosis, right? Or she would have given me a stabiliser that is just for mood stabilising.

Only, I never thought I had had true psychotic episodes - but maybe I have? Is this the catch 22 of psychosis, that you don't know you are psychotic?

Any help would be so appreciated.


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Lost-I don't know a lot about meds or anything but is it possible that your psyc thought that other drugs that aren't anti-psychotics weren't as suitable for you as resperidone, and that you're not necessarily psychotic?

Sorry I'm a bit confused writing this. and I ain't a doc and you'd prolly be best asking her exactly what it was perscribed for.



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there are mood stabilizers that are anti psychotics, there are mood stabilizers that are anti convulsants.

Being bipolar, I visit bp forums, there are many people that are on the anti psychotic type mood stabilizers that don't have any type of psychosis. It is just what would work for you. Don't worry yourself.

I have a dx of psychosis, and I'm not on an anti psychotic. My psychosis dx is because of my paranoia which is driven by stress, my other meds calmed it down. My mood stabilizer is an anti convulsant (Topamax). She said to me that if it doesn't work as far as helping with my moods we would try an anti psychotic mood stabilizer.

I hope this made you feel better. :)


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ok message understood - i shouldn't freak out :P

the thing is, i didn't really know before today what psychosis really was :mellow: but having looked it up I can now see how some aspects of my problems have been strongly psychosis driven. but at the time of going through it i just thought it was 'silly'. i mean in a way it was silly, of course it was silly, bu it was also quite serious.

another thing i realised since starting my psych assessment is that i had an eating disorder for seven years driven by a kind of neurosis / psychosis (not quite sure yet) and i got quite ill during this time because i was severely restricting my diet. i was very very paranoid at this time and made myself sick when i thought i had eaten something 'poisonous' but there was no evidence that it was poisoned at all. this went for eating out, packaged food and food my mum cooked for me. at one point i thought she was poisoning me and i avoided eating food in the house. it was not a good time. i know looking back that it was paranoia but i just didn't click that this could be a form of mild psychosis.

i also thought once that a friend's dead grandmother's spirit had borrowed my body so that it could speak to her! it was so real and it really affected me for weeks.

anyway. i don't believe in spiritual stuff, so it doesn't make sense to me that it happened. and i still believe that that is what happened although i accept it could have been psychosis. i dunno. people were telling me i was a sensitive and could channel energy and that i was really psychic, but then i was hanging around with some pretty crazy people at that time, so ... :P

anyway, thanks to everyone who replied i hope more people do and can shed more light on the catch 22 stuff.

thanks a lot


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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello lostsoul: I'm borderline and I am on an anti-psychotic too. I am on Zyprexa. It was described to me by my doctor that I need to be on it to ease my thoughts of doing myself in. It has some way of balancing things out so I think more clearly. Before I was on it, I was a mess. I had a voice in my head that would tell me to take pills and that I would feel better afterwards. Maybe that is psychotic, I don't know. I have been sick with this affliction for months. Something scrambled my eggs.

You could be on an anti-psychotic just to have your thoughts be more clearer. You don't have to be psychotic. That's what I was told. I hope this helps you. :)

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I'm on 200mg Quetiapine (Seroquel) which is an anti-psychotic...I have experienced psychotic episodes before, hearing of voices, delusions (everyone's just plotting against me and there's no way for me to hide from them)...usually in times of stress...I've been told this is fairly common if you suffer from Depression as well...

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