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So what do you all know about it?

They want to add a low dose of this to the mix for me.

But a few things put me of straight away

1, its a soluable under the tongue thing

2, says you shouldnt drink. Anyone tried drinking on it?

3,causes weight gain

4,reacts with benzos. I dont take diazepam regulary but if its really needed I will.

5,I dont want to be stuck on a med that makes you still feel anxious but so numb you are unable to do anything about it. Seeing as it is alo used as a sleep aid. Im suspecting it may be this way inclined?

6, im building up a dangerous amount of meds now. I try not to stockpile just incase my impulse control gets to weak.

Anyone had any experience with it?



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been on zispin for nearly 10 months now. found it quite good.

1. soluble - but it has a nice orangey taste - as they stopped making the tablet form about 6 months ago(no reason)

2. drink in moderation - alchol is a depressant so as with most antidepressants drinking is not recommended

3. gained a little weight

4. not sure with benzos as dont use them - but ok with most sleeping tablets

5. not feeling as anxious or numb in anyway. but they help relax me and help me sleep a bit!!

hope you find it works for you!

Take care


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I was on Zispin for about 5 months, first 30 then 45mg

1.Love the taste of it, being soulble on the tongue didn't bother me, like tracey says it has a nice orangey taste

2.I had no problems drinking whilst on it, the only effect it might have had was to make me more sleepy

3.I did put on weight whilst on it and it also gave me serious sugar cravings.

4.I was on zopiclone and diazepam at the same time as this and didn't see any adverse reactions. My psych prescribed all 3 so it can't be that bad.

5. I didn't get anxiety or the numbness on it, all it seemed to do was to even out the modd swings a little.

Hope some of that helps

Deadwhisper xxx

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I was on Zispin for 5 months and at first it was almost like a miracle cure! I literally woke up and the clouds had gone...I was sleeping well, eating well, had loads of energy etc....amazing. But then I started piling on the weight. Apparently there's antihistamine in it which stimulates ur appetite and I just never felt full. I even woke up in the night and had to eat. I also had some water retention. After 3 months I had gained almost 2 stones...which is a lot when you've been 7stones ur whole life, and suddenly I was overweight. But i thought it was worth it to feel 'ok'.

However, 4 months in, it just stopped working for me. Almost overnight. I've read a lot about it on the net and that seems to be quite common with Zispin. I was really disappointed but to be honest the weight gain was beginning to get me down anyway...so it was kind of defeating the object. So now I'm back on Fluoxetine and in only 3 weeks I've lost nearly a stone of the weight I gained on Zispin.

I did love the taste of them tho!! :D

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Didnt work for me but then I have problems with ssris in general i.e they give me bleeds,generally I found they lifted depression for a while then I went down again,this is only my experience so they could work for you.Good luck

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I was on Zispin for about a yr - varied between 30mg and 45 daily mixed with other meds i took

1. They changed from tablets to soluble (so i was told by my dr) as it was one of the highest anti-d used to overdose on, making the soubles has made it one of the least used now. I didn't mind the soluble it tastes quite nice and orangy and fizzes on the tongue

2. I drank alcohol on it and had no bad side affects.

3.I didn't put on any weight on it

4. I was prescribed zopliclone and diazepam whilst on it and the three mixed ok, i never had any adverse reactions

5. It didn't make me any more anxious and if i took it at night did help me sleep a little better which is always a good thing

hugs star x

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