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What Is Psychotic?


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From what I understand of psychosis, it means that you are not in reality.

"Psychotic disorders include severe mental disorders which are characterized by extreme impairment of a person's ability to think clearly, respond emotionally, communicate effectively, understand reality, and behave appropriately. Psychotic symptoms interfere with a person’s daily functioning and can be quite debilitating. Psychotic symptoms include delusions and hallucinations."

I am sure they come in varying degrees and arent limited to just that. They say if you are suicidal you can be psychotic.

Anyone have any ideas? :rolleyes:

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well from what i read in your post you are asking if you are suicidal does that mean you are also psychotic. I don't think it says that i think if says that you CAN be suicidal and psychotic... not that all suicidal ppl are also psychotic?

just my oppion..


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perhaps it depends on the doc making the diagnosis view of life???? That if he/she believes that Not Wanting To Live is seriously a wrong and crazed view "Everyone should want to live, life is great! Anyone who wants to die is out of touch with reality. The reality is that to be alive is wonderful." In their view, to be suicidical is to be psychotic---ie out of touch of (their) reality.???????

How deep is that for 7.20 am????


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It occurs to me- what if those who are termed 'psychotic' are really just more aware of the evil in the world- if someone is so intent on not living anymore I think 'what do they know? What information could they have possibly received that makes them feel this way?' And when it is me, I think 'the world is crap, I don't want to live in it anymore. Surely if you break it down you can twist anything someone says that doesn't agree with what you think into them being psychotic. Lorna's right, it's too early for this depth, I gotta get out!


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wikipedia is a great online encyclopedia that is free to access and has loads of great information about mental illness.


there is a page about a guy named Thomas Szasz (which can be found by searching for psychosis, and then scrolling down the psychosis page for his name)who had some interesting points to make about how society and psychiatry treats and evaluates psychosis.

have a read i think he is a pretty alright guy!

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I have a dx of psychosis nos

its in my file because of paranoia. I would think I was being watched, people could read my mind, etc. BUT I knew at the same time these thoughts were not rational, I knew they weren't true. I never lost touch with reality. Hoping it stays that way. :unsure:

I'm not on an anti psychotic at this time. My paranoia is driven by stress, which leads to anxiety/panic. My GAD has calmed so much that my paranoia is rarely a problem anymore.

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i'm on anti psychotics (geodon & seroquel).

i'm on them for.. hallucinations, paranoia, disorganization, dissociation, mood swings, etc. etc.

psychosis means not in touch with reality, as you already know.

so.. yeah. hope that helped. [=

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Psychosis is a severe mental condition characterized by a loss of contact with reality. There are numerous potential causes:

alcohol and certain drugs can induce psychosis

bipolar disorder (manic depression)

brain tumors


psychotic depression


dementia (Alzheimer's and other degenerative brain disorders)


Plus others


loss of touch with reality

seeing, hearing, feeling, or otherwise perceiving things that are not there (hallucinations)

disorganized thought and/or speech

emotion is exhibited in an abnormal manner

extreme excitement (mania)


depression and sometimes suicidal thoughts

unfounded fear/suspicion

mistaken perceptions (illusions)

false beliefs (delusions)

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I just read further about psychosis, and even psychosis nos (my dx). I really didn't lose touch with reality. She (my pdoc) asked me if I knew it wasn't rational that people were reading my mind. I told her I knew it wasn't rational. My therapist let me read my file though, I know the dx is in it. Why would I have the dx if I didn't lose touch with reality. :blink: So by thinking that, and the other things mean I did? I have more reading to do.

Well just ignore any replies I have given on this thread because I am confused now, sorry I couldn't help.


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ok!!!! yep, but I couldn't go back to bed-----had to leave for work at 8!!!!

I didn't get up til 9.15 today tho!!!!!

Seriously, tho, it relates to my recent personal reflections...how sad it is that it became 'normal' to me to wish that I wasn't alive....when the doc asked me on wed. if I'd had any suicidal ideas or thoughts, I said "No more than usual." eh.

I remember Szaz, lostsoul, in the dim distant past of my a level sociolocy days back in 86/87/88!!!!!

And when I was at Uni my frind and I used to sit in the Grammar lectures and write notes to each other about stereotypes of insanity...we were radical, man! Up the revolution!


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Hey Wabbit,

I haven't read the other posts but there are varying viewpoints on psychosis. Some people believe that psychosis is a spiritual emergency that is the psyche's way of healing. I, myself do not subscribe to that theory. I am more comfortable within the realms of psychiatry with that one, that psychosis is a physical illness. These are just two perspectives of an array of different theories. I hope that you have had many views and will form the opinion that feels right for you.

Much love to you Wabbit,

Jacinta :wub:

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It can pounky but then so can the death of your mother or something.

Just because you suffer from some kind of psychosis it doesnt mean allways that you will do smething that isnt in your core nature.

So if you would not normaly make an attempt on your life the chances are that you wouldnt whilest in a psychotic state.

(there is of course exeptions. But right now im lacking in concentration to go into detail :) )

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm on a anti-psychotic medication called Zyprexa. It's not that I am psychotic. I don't loose touch with reality. The reason I am on the meds is to control my mood swings and to try and make me not have the urge to take my own life. That's what my doctor told me.

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I am familiar with psychosis. 6 months ago I was on 1200mgs/day of Seroquel. It was supposed to keep the "crazies" away. Clearly when manic I was psychotic.it didn't help much. rather than have the dose increased to 1500mgs/day I began decresing it. Now I'm starting Lithium.

I am very familiiar with psychotic thinking/behaviors well.........it is and can be debilitating. It really SUCKS.


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