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How Will U Cope Without T/psyc Over Holidays


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I have noticed that a lot of us have or are about to see our therapists for the last time in 2-4 weeks as most of them go away for holidays over christmas break.

I know personally that it is not going to be easy as I do see my T every week and not seeing him for 4 weeks IS going to bring up a lot of issues for me or even daily life that i wont be able to discuss.

My T did give me another Dr's card that i can contact if need be, he is taking his patients if they need to talk to someone otherwise i have to wait till 2 weeks into Jan to see him.

I was just thinking maybe we could use this thread to tell others how we are going to cope with the time away, as i know it wont be easy for many people.

maybe sharing some ideas that we will use for the time we are un-able to see the Therpists, any backup plans. (remember ofcourse that we are not replacing therapists or dr's)

**I Myself have the card of the second Dr by my phone and if i really really need to call I will, but im not one to call but I will try if I need it.

I also am going to do lots of mindfullness skills, like make a concious effort even if its JUST on Friday's to do some mindfullness as it helps me to think through issues and i ussualy see him on fridays.

Im not sure what else I will do, hoping to hear how others are planning to deal with the holidays and time away from thier therpists and dr's

WE CAN DO IT - Support All the way!


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(((Daisy))) Brilliant idea!

I for one wont see my counsellor until a week into the new year!

it's been over a week since i last saw her and have been finding life hard! fortunately have been able to contact her by phone today but she finishes for xmas in the middle of next week! and doesn't have any spare appointments cause the local authorities are requestion so much paperwork to be filled in for the end of the year!(one of the problems of a charity run crisis centre!

the only support i have now until i see her again is via the internet ant these forums!

hopefully we can all support each other over this difficult time!

take care


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It will be difficult. My therapist made sure (again) I had her home and cell numbers if I needed her. She wants me to call her from time to time just to check in. Not really sure if I will call her to check in, but I will call if I really feel I need to. Sure is a long time to wait for the next appointment. Hopefully, with Christmas being here January will be here before we know it. :unsure:

We can do it. We will make it.


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Very proactive of you, Daisy!

I will be taking lots and lots of looooong baths. Probably drinking more than usual, though I'm not recommending that for anyone else. I am lucky too that I have a team of therapists who are wonderful about calling if I leave a message. I have spoken to a couple of them on weekends and they always are so kind and supportive. And they ask what I have planned for the rest of the evening or weekend, which helps me come up with ideas.

Other than that, I am reading a book that was recomended to me by one of them. It is written by Robert McGee, and is called "The Search for Significance." It is spiritual and I've enjoyed it more than I thought I would. So I have that to finish too. I just want to be able to show that I have been worth the time invested in me.


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You rock!

Also I love the idea of this thread. The potential to share ideas is great.

Remember we have all got where we are with regards to recovery due to our own work. What are mental health team's give us is only support.

So maybe is a good time to congratulate ourself's for the positive steps we have made towards recovery in the last year. :P)



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Thanks again ((((((Daisy)))))))!

I've got a day countdown chart---one day is already through!

I usually do some creative project based around my therapy work in breaks---mandalas or poetry usually.

This time I'm going to work on my dreams. I have been writing down my dreams for 10 years as I did a lot of dreamwork before I started therapy. But the past few weeks I have been lazy and not written them down, so this project I have given myself will motivate me, and its something I can take when I start back on 10th January.

I miss my therapist already, have a sense of something missing inside of me, I see her 3 times a week and I feel very close to her. She knows and understands me far more than my own mother.

Well, I have these meds that are helping me, I have the dreamwork, I have work some days, I have a pile of books to read, and a copy of the TV times. I could walk to Hampstead Heath.

And I see my doc (well, like a 5 minute appointment!) on Wednesday, and I am to ask her what I do if things get tough. She has the letter from my therapist by now hopefully.

And I have all of you!



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Hey Lorna,

I completely understand how you feel. Whenever something bothers me or I get upset I want to see or talk to my therapist because I think she has the ability to understand me more than anyone else in my life. I do not feel she judges me and she goes out of her way to support me. Therapists make a lot of us feel better when we are down because we know that someone cares.

I had this dream last night that I was going to see a psychiatrist and it was a guy and he was pretty young and cute. I am not sure what that was about. lol!


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Having people in our lives who understand is soo important, isn't it?

Especially that non-judgement and acceptance.....

Your dream....hmmmm....well, depends on which school of thought you follow......it might be your wish that you see a psych like that in real life...(Freudian type view!)

Or, it might represent your INNER psych------that part of you that is taking care of your mental and emotional health right now....


Or it could be both------or something else altogether, cos that's just my interpretation!


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Thanks a pretty interesting analaysis. You know maybe you can help me here because you know so much about dreams. This is pretty freaky I wonder if any of you have ever experienced the same thing.

I used to have these dreams that come true. They started in high school a few years ago but it started once I had a dream someone was pregnant and she was. I still get dreams like that today I will dream of babies or like a week and then dream of someone being pregnant. That happened with my sister.

Once I had this dream I was sitting in history class and my nasty history teacher gave me back a test grade and she failed me. Then the day after I had the dream I went to school and to my history course and my teacher had failed me and I sat there crying just like my dream. That very night I had another dream that I had one these national writing contest and the next day I went to school and found out I had won it.

I decided to be confirmed Catholic a few years ago I knew it would piss of my family so I was noy sure what I should do. I had this dream that this angel visited me. She walked in my room and sat on my bed and asked me what was wrong and I told her I was not sure if I should convert and she told me to do whats in my heart and then I woke up the next day with a decision to convert. My mother wanted me to go to this certain college near the house but I did not want to go and i knew I would not go it. Anyway, after waiting for the letter from the school for like four weeks one day I fell asleep on my bed during the day. (I never fall asleep in the daytime) I had this dream that the mail man came and dropped the letter off in the mail box. I went down to the mail box and checked. Open the letter and it told me I wa snot accepted. I woke up from my nap went right to themail box there was the letter and it read I was not accepted.

This one is the weirdest. I was at college in my dorm room watching the TV with my friend from next door. I was laying in my bed and she was sitting in a chair. I fell a sleep around 12:00 am wth my friend in my room. I had this dream and in my dream it was about 2:00am. Everything was so vivid. In my dream I felt this urge to call my best friend up because I felt something was wrong with her. I called her up and she was crying. In the background I heard whispers of the Hail Mary prayer. I was on the phone with her and she started crying. (Her father was murdered) anyway I asked her why she was crying and she said something freaky about her father. I woke up immedately and started freaking out. It was probably almost 1:00am now and I begged my friend to walk with me to the store to get a calling card. We got back to the dorm around 2:00am and I called my friend and she was crying on the phone and I asked her why she was crying and she told me her boyfriend was trying to make her talk about her dead father and I freaked out. I told her about my dream and it scared the crap out of us. :o

I stopped having those dreams but they are really freaky. Has this happened to any of you?


Having people in our lives who understand is soo important, isn't it?

Especially that non-judgement and acceptance.....

Your dream....hmmmm....well, depends on which school of thought you follow......it might be your wish that you see a psych like that in real life...(Freudian type view!)

Or, it might represent your INNER psych------that part of you that is taking care of your mental and emotional health right now....


Or it could be both------or something else altogether, cos that's just my interpretation!



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I'm very moved by your descriptions of your dreams. It sounds like you are very in tune with your unconscious. Perhaps you stopped having these dreams because you were so scared that last time? Or they were just there to serve a purpose for a while.


NB--- this part may trigger----

Recently I had a very precognitive dream about something that happened for me in my Group.

And in '95 I had a powerfully deep dream once about an angel bringing me back to life after I'd been killed by a knight with a lance. A month or so later I woke up in the night struggling to breathe----my boiler had a gas leak. (had been leaking for several months but I ignored it--my first and only real unconscious I guess suicide attempt.)

If I hadn't woken up I'm not sure I would be now.

Perhaps to start this dream issue in a separate thread?????


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