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Anyone Managed To Give Up There Addiction's?


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I have alcohol issues. I dont need to drink during the day but if I dont drink a bottle of wine plus a night I show all the signs of addiction and sleep just doesnt happen.

As a teenager I became hooked on coke after playing with various drugs for a few years. I gave up illegal substances. Had my child a year later then when my son was about 9months old I started to drink a lot.

I also have issues with food. Sometimes ill over eat on crap, just to fill the void other times I dont eat for days on end. (no idea why, punishment?)

Im sure there are other things as well. Including smoking. But the first two are the ones I would say are BPD centerd.

Has anyone managed to quit any addiction related in this way?

If so how did you go about it?

You see I dont belive I can gain control over these issues untill the reasons I started in the first place feel better.

But then I still dont know fully what those reasons where.

Heh, maybe thats why im kinda not 100% sure about CBT methods.



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For periods of time, yes. Currently, no. My hubby doesn't drink and at night I will drink a bit (not get drunk, but I want to) and he is able to look after the children should they wake. I am binge eating, using laxatives. I am on a rollercoaster of doing things that are harmful to my body. My tdoc says its the BPD.

Maybe we could pick a day and be each others online support system. Anyone that wants to be apart of it. I know that I feel a mess, and I don't know that it would really help, but it would be worth a try. Personally, I don't know what else to do. The docs don't know either. I feel like I'm sinking sometimes.




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My husband wouldn't dream of having even a beer at night, but I drink almost every night, and he doesn't seem to mind. I think that he feels like it gives me something to do other than nonstop talking to him. Alcohol, I don't know if it's the sugar in it or what, gives me tons of energy, and I can get a lot of work done. I'm also in a good mood and get on the phone-usually to old friends. It does disrupt my sleep though. It seems like a good thing to stay up late working and wake up early (almost never have a hangover) to get to work early, but it does take a toll after a few days... :(

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