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About coping with psyc over the holidays season.........................

WAs just wondering how people were doing, if they wanted to share somethings that are working or not working. What they have done so far to get through the holidays.

I know most of us have been a week or so without therpists (if tehy have gone away) and having Christmas SO CLOSE means a little more stress.

Just wondering how people were doing....

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**me personally have come close to calling my psyc's fill in when it got to crisis stage but have drawn on LOTS of mindfullness skills and it has been a saviour.

I have been able to focus and try relax and do other things to take my mind of the bad thoughts, being Mindfull is helping me more then i think now that i have to think about it!!! (if that makes sense)

Ive also been talking to my sister a little, not about deep stuff but more then normal this helps to have someone to talk too.

I do with i could see my psyc but i think im coping ok with out him have to wait till 14th Jan to see him.

I am also taking my meds 100% like i should and I CAN TELL this is having an effect - wow!

________how are u all going?______

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About coping with psyc over the holidays season.........................

WAs just wondering how people were doing, if they wanted to share somethings that are working or not working. What they have done so far to get through the holidays.

I know most of us have been a week or so without therpists (if tehy have gone away) and having Christmas SO CLOSE means a little more stress.

Just wondering how people were doing....


I have had a REALLY tough time just anticipating my therapist leaving! I stopped taking one of my meds, which was a complete disaster. I immediately started deteriorating. I went from that to feeling very self-destructive and suicidal. Now that my therapist is actually gone, I somehow feel a little stronger. I'm going to see the on-call therapist next week....not exactly a replacement, but it will help. This is definitely a very tough time of year for me!

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The last two therapists I saw were excellent and when the holidays came I had a really tough time dealing esp. bc I had to go back to the hell that put me in therapy in the first place. What seemed to help though was corresponding through e-mail. Sometimes I would write novelas to my therapists about how I felt or what was going on and they would always respond and just to hear from them made me feel better. Or I don't know another thing I did was write my thoughts in my journal things I could discuss at my next session. With my new one...I am not sure how I feel bc I do not think there is much of a connection. So I have to find a new one and I would like to find one the specializes in DBT and I did a little searching yesterday and no luck. I need one who can work with me like my former therapists.

Its 1:30 am over here and I fell asleep for a few hours and now wide awake. Santa is coming tonight!




About coping with psyc over the holidays season.........................

WAs just wondering how people were doing, if they wanted to share somethings that are working or not working. What they have done so far to get through the holidays.

I know most of us have been a week or so without therpists (if tehy have gone away) and having Christmas SO CLOSE means a little more stress.

Just wondering how people were doing....


I have had a REALLY tough time just anticipating my therapist leaving! I stopped taking one of my meds, which was a complete disaster. I immediately started deteriorating. I went from that to feeling very self-destructive and suicidal. Now that my therapist is actually gone, I somehow feel a little stronger. I'm going to see the on-call therapist next week....not exactly a replacement, but it will help. This is definitely a very tough time of year for me!


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I am managing. I keep feeling sad and have stopped listening to Christmas Carols because they keep making me cry.

I am still working with my dreams. I imagine my therapist with me supporting and protecting me---like when I had to make it through Central London yesterday on the tube. And in sainsbury's this morning (what possessed me to go in there on Xmas Eve??? never again!)

I saw my doc on Wednesday and am seeing her again next Wed. too. Its only for less than 5 minutes but it helps me to know someone cares. She told me that the place to go if I'm feeling really desperate is the hospital. Well......that shocked me into determination to be ok....I am NOT going to get in that situation. I'm not that ill right now, anyway, am I????????? (tho I've been scared where my emotions might take me again...)

And they'd never admit me anyway, my friend has a friend who's a psychiatrist and she said, from things he's said, they'd never admit me.

...so I'm hanging on in there....


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Hi Lorna,

I will be around online if you want to talk! I stopped listening to X-Mas songs too. That reminds me my friend made me listen to this song "Christmas Shoes" I had never heard it before but it was the most depressing song that I have ever heard in my life. I just looked at my friend and said "Can I slit my wrists now?"

Atleast you are keeping occupied with your dreams you are really good at analyzing them. Cheer up!


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thanks Baila.....

(weepy eyed...)

for me with the carols its the baby being welcomed and loved and....not stuck alone in an incubator with no mother....just to keep alive.

..its the love I feel I'm missing right now that makes me cry...

..and then of course there was a bully, herod. but jesus was protected. noone protected me from the bullies when I was a kid.

then look what happened to him when he wasn't believed in. (i see it as a symbolic story)

I'm looking forward to working with my dream later...

(does anyone know the story of Evita?)

thanka again Baila, your response means a lot to me.


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Thats a good parallel between your life and the birth of Jesus. I never thought about that. Actually religious songs make me feel better but also sad because I used to be very active in Church and I loved singing Christmas hymns because they would make feel feel so much better but after 9/11 and my friend dying I started to question my faith and stopped attending Church. The songs that get me are really depressing ones like "Christmas Shoes" because its about this little boy who can't afford to buy a pair of shoes for his dying mother on Christmas Eve and this man gives him the money to buy them. But, I am gonna stop writing about that because I am goning to get depressed and depress everyone else. The Christmas song By John Lennon makes me cry as well. It sadnes me to think about all the homeless people on the streets at Christmas or people who have no family. I refuse to go into Manhattan around the holidays!!!!!! I think that is one of the reasons why I get depressed around the holidays because I think of people who are less fortunate.

I do not really know of the story of Evita. I am glad I can be of help and just to let you know too that your responses have helped me a lot too.



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thanks (((((Baila))))). Sorry to hear about your friend.


I checked out Evita online just now. I don't think the story is so important as the lyrics of "Don't cry for me Argentina"---I just listened to it---very loudly while I was cleaning. The lines of it I woke up with this morning after a dream where I was dancing in a production based on Evita, were "I had to let it happen, I had to change." For me its a song about refusing to accept that I am less than I really am, refusing to believe that I am worthless. Its a song about self acceptance and love, about reconciliation with that part of me that really does value and consider and stand up for me... YEY!!!!!

I'm pleased I can be of help too...



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Lorna - Evita is my all time favourite film/musical, love it to bits

as for coping without my counsellor and mht - I'm falling apart!!!

not coping at all well! this year seems worse that the previous! just want it to end!

feel scared because i dont have the backing at the moment!

feeling so alone


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What do you like most about Evita?

Is it snowing up there in Scotland? Its just damp and chilly and windy down here. I like snow, its pretty, transforms everything. I don't expect we'll get any down here tho. Last year we did, just after Christmas. Lots of wet sleety stuff. I went out for a long walk in my new boots. Which I soon discovered weren't waterproof :( Will have to find my wellies just in case!

One day at a time....that's how I'm managing, ticking off on my tick chart. Each day is a day less until they are around and supporting you again.

What sort of backing do you need? Remember that we are here. I'm definitely around here in my little hibernation zone.




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The topic is still relevant it was just brought to another level. I thought we could write down all of our thoughts? I could be wrong. I apologize for messing up your post .


daisy, how do you feel its strayed?

i just read it all and it seems all relevant to the topic as I read it.

I feel somehow responsible.

What was it you wanted?



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Sorry - paranoia.



hugs to you also, Daisy.

A spot of paranoia/intense anxiety/self doubt this end too...

Good stuff to work with---so thanks, also.

Hope you're feeling better now.



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