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Why Dont You Take Your Meds?


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Just interested really. I know that for me its a combination of reasons.

Feeling better and not being able to connect back to feeling bad being a big one.

Forgetting and just damn 'I know best' self medicating crap as well.




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I don't take my meds because I am scared that they will kill me.

Need to get over this, to get over worrying that things will kill me. Does this seem like a shitty loop to be in or is it just me? :P

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Hey Claire,

You know whats really weird? I feel the same exact way as you do about meds. Thats why i don't t take them. I am glad that someone understands.


I don't take my meds because I am scared that they will kill me.

Need to get over this, to get over worrying that things will kill me. Does this seem like a shitty loop to be in or is it just me?  :P


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I always function under the delusion that i will be okay without them. sometimes i am for a long while. i also dont like the idea i need chemicals to help me through life. "better living through chemistry"

but maybe i do... i dont understand it.. i am taking them know and things are cr*p. also sometimes i just feel like when i am on meds i am not really living the meds are making me live.


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I understand what you mean Betsy....my former therapist who I trust thinks I need meds and told me they would really help me but I am so freaked about them but I think if anyone coul dpersuade me to take them she could because I do not trust the meds but I tust her so maybe I should give them ago.

quote=Betsy,Dec 24 2004, 06:20 PM]

I always function under the delusion that i will be okay without them. sometimes i am for a long while. i also dont like the idea i need chemicals to help me through life. "better living through chemistry"

but maybe i do... i dont understand it.. i am taking them know and things are cr*p. also sometimes i just feel like when i am on meds i am not really living the meds are making me live.



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i take em cos life was hell before i had them.....and i take em cos if i stop i get that nasty cold turkey thing i've read about with efexor and i know its dangerous and has had a safety warning if you stop em suddenly.

praps i'm just a good little girl.

but i do take em after toast and honey cos i know that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down :P

and no, i ain't eaten all the brandy mince pies this morning neither!!!!!


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**If i dont take them its because I need to get up in the morning and work and NOT be a Zombie, cause i need to FEEL 100% and they make me feel like im drowining and cant move, sure they make me feel better and they do help and after 3-4 weeks of constanlty feeeling like crap and not being able to focus it gets better but i have to work every day and 3-4 weeks of that is TOO HARD, I NEED MY JOB....so im a terrible med taker but i have been trying with berrocca and my will power by my side to take atleast 1 of them proplerly.

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I stopped the Wellbutrin for a while because it made me so constipated. But once things started working again, I kind of went back on. I'm chicken. Last time I went off cold turkey, I hung a noose in the barn.

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Liek Bets said, I think I would be better of without them. other times can't be bothered, forget, or don't take them to see what will happen, don't like side effects, to try and do some damage, and complete paranoia sometimes about what they are actually doing to me.

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Hmm... When I don't take my meds it's often for a different reason that all of you mentioned. It's because I feel like I don't deserve to feel well. I want to sabotage myself. I also sometimes get afraid of feeling well. :o I know that sounds crazy, but I've been sick for so long that being well feels scary to me. I know that if I don't take my meds, I know there's no chance of feeling well. If I do take my meds as I'm supposed to, I might get better, and that's really scary. :o Does anyone else share these feelings, or am I all alone on this one?

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You know my therapist is so obsessed with me taking them when I get the courage to see a psychiatrist I may just get them and pretend. How will they know?

you arent alone.. i too feel afraid when i am well... it isnt normal



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I only ever took reg meds once .... my hubby gave the pill with my breakfast before he went to work and came home to find me exactly where he had left me - on the sofa.

I was prescribed them after an OD attempt, which was a long.long time ago now (21 yrs) so maybe drugs have changed, I dont take reg meds I am afraid of the side affects and being stuck on something for ever, I try to change the bits that need changeing wtih therapy etc, I have alos seen a homeoepath which helped me a lot.

by the way the pyschiatrist that prescribed the zombie pills also advised me to take up flower arranging or jig-saw puzzles to "take my mind off your troubles" he said he didn't care waht had caused me to take th OD just so long as I didn't take another one. He was v interested in hearing how my hubby had coped with a recent bike accident which had left him walking with a stick! (hubby wasn't impressed either)

Anyway wouldnt rule taking them out completly but not sure I ever will unless there really is no way I can save my life/marriage/future etc.

Elleanor :)

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Here's a different reason again- I get freaked and don't take my meds because I get convinced that it's just a form of social control- I'm being manipulated into behaving like a normal person because that makes everything easier for every one else to deal with. I feel like all the therapy and medication is preventing me from being me. But then maybe I can't be me and exist in this life, this society. Arrgghh. This just reminds me of telling my DBT therapist that from where I'm standing, he's the one with the personality disorder.


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I'm always missing doses 'cos I have a bad memory...Like today, for instance...I forgot to take my anti-depressants in the morning...I'm always doing that...I used to set an alarm on my mobile to remind me, but then end up ignoring it if I'm busy at the time...I do remember to take my anti-psychotics at night though...as I won't sleep if I don't, simple as...I'm kind of addicted to Quetiapine, I think...It knocks me flat out, which is what I like...oblivion for hours and hours...Ignorance is bliss!

Anyone have any ideas on how to remember taking medz?

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I leave them on a bedside table, thinking there's no way I could possibly forget to take them as they're the first things I see when I get up...but of course, by the time I go downstairs to make a drink, I conveniently forget I need to be powered up by those loopy pills! I don't really like the thought of them lying around in other parts of the house since this isn't really my home, and people might just start complaining...The less comments I invite, the better...trying to keep a low profile here... :(

I did remember to take them today though, although it was already a little late by the time I got up...

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Due to my memory problems I was missing am doses also. I bought a pill box with the days of the week on it. That way, I would take them in the morning and in the afternoon, if I questioned my taking them, I could look and if todays pills still there or not, then I knew. Buy one!! It really helped!

I will always take my meds because I fear the person I was without them. I am still that person sometimes, but I get breaks from it. I wanted the pills to help me in the first place and I'll never forget that. I still feel like I should probably be taking more kinds of meds because I'm just 'not right', but I'm in a better way now than I was. (most of the time)


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I bought a pill box with the days of the week on it. That way, I would take them in the morning and in the afternoon, if I questioned my taking them, I could look and if todays pills still there or not, then I knew. Buy one!! It really helped!


Whoever invented those pills (Setraline...the ones I always forget to take), had helpfully labelled them with days of the week, making pill boxes kind of redundant...And yet, I STILL forget to take them...I must be the world's scattiest person!! Anyone would think I'm 72 instead of 27!!!

The other medz I take is Quetiapine, which I faithfully gulp down every night as they help me nod off...The only times when I do not take them are nights when I have to stay up (usually becoz of work)...Quetiapine tends to work TOO well in certain cases!!!

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Sometimes I forget my meds too specially if I'm in a hurry in the morning, or if I'm out late the night before and when I do, i get so paranoid around people, I avoid them lots more, and I sometimes walk different routes home so that I don't have to walk by houses of people I know, and I think the whole world is just plain mad at me including my boyfriend. I cry about people, situations, and things or get so angry in front of others(cringe, I hate that part) inside I'm ready to explode or what I call it, foamin' at the mouth when it gets really bad. And it's that much harder to get outta my negative thinking patterns and it's like people tell you like they think it's easy and it's way harder to actually do it. I get like that for 2 days if I forget a dose one day. :wacko:

I really don't like what happens when I don't take them. In the past, I stopped taking them since I felt ok at times, and eventually just slide right back into the pits of hell. Or cuz they drugged me up when I had a job at one point and I didn't want to be drugged up at those times. And sometimes just being in a community living program knowing I have staff is enough to remind me I have to take my meds on the few days I do get resistant and don't want to. Structure........ It helps, and knowing someone will be on your butt about it. Sometimes it's what I need.


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I have taken so many different kinds of medications for depression and they all have stopped working. I am not taking anything right now although I feel I should be. Yet I go to a church that believes that I just need to let God heal me. Well I'm about tired of the church.

I wish I could feel like I felt when I first started taking Prozac. I wonder if I take it now (since it's been almost 20 years) if I might get that feeling back for a while.

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