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Remember Not Feeling Tired?


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I really dont.

It has been the same since I was a young teenager. During that time ive had various blood work done for various reasons. So I very much doubt its anything physical.

I never ever feel fully alert and awake. I honestly wonder a lot just what that feels like.

There is never a time that I couldnt just curl up in bed and sleep for a few hours.

Its so weird because I sleep on average ten hours a night.

Yet, im still tired.

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i am always tired zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

i call it the foggy brain. for me it's like having a thin glass plate between me an the world.

sometimes it's not there and it's great : suddenly I am so awake. but most days I am just trawling around in a haze I know not why

i too have had blood work and it shows up nothing. i can sleep for 12 hours every night and still feel tired, but if I get less than eight i'm afflicted with the dreaded 'foggy brain'! ALL DAY. and it makes me irritable

some foods make it worse for me as does that time of the month. a couple days before i come on i am all logical and energetic and rational and hyper and talkative and i don't shut up lol this is easily spotted because mike is completely ignoring what im saying. he gets annoyed that my iq shoots up the scale on such days, dwarfing his puny intellect which he usually holds in such high esteem... because he is a covert cerebral narcissist :P

but on days like that there's no fog in sight, so i think with me the being out of it and tired is quite related to hormones. wah, anyways....

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I dont remember NOt feeling tired.......I dont have blood work done often so i cant use that as my excuse as much as i want too. I just am always tired, mostly i like to nap during the day (cept i have to work most days) but i dont sleep much at night most days.

FOGGY Brain is perfect way to describe it.

Some days i really just can NOT get the effort to do anything and its really hard to even get up the stairs some days its erally bad, these days im ussually shaking terrriblly too.

I hate feeling tired, i was too tired to see my mother xmas eve, i feel bad about that. i just couldnt move or cope with her so fell asleep on the couch.

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I have cycles of insomnia, sleeping all the time and dreaming, personally i like the sleeping all the time best. i have no idea what im going to do when i eventually go back to work as i just crash when i need to atm.

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You know what I really despise!!!!!!!!Being tired all day then getting a surge of energy during the evening. Its okay though if I am going out with friends. Sometimes when I am hyper I put on some cheesy music like disco and start dancing around my room like a lunatic.

I have cycles of insomnia, sleeping all the time and dreaming.

Yes, I do too, but mostly I'm tired all the time, so I really like the hyper parts better.


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I know the feeling of tiredness only to well unfortunately.

i have a medical condition that causes it, but knowing the reason doesn't help me feel any better.

star x

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I cant remember a day in my life when I have not felt tired or immotivated......

I dont know whether its depression or a physical problem - I do know it affects my life to a massive degree - sometimes I think I am just lazy.....but maybe thats because my mother said it to me all my life...


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I remember at points I didn't feel tired in my life( i stayed up for 72 hours once just hyper) but i guess i can say 80% of it was a tiring thing...................................

I have a weird pattern lately. I'm up until 1am not able to sleep cuz i'm hyper or i can't sleep because of my stomach problems i have on and off which gets to be the pits. And then 4 out of 7 times in the week i'm napping from 10am to 1pm during the day. And the rest of the time is just this tired malaise feeling in my joints which i can feel and my eyes are tired and my whole body just aches. And just that hangover head feeling from my meds. Sometimes I make myself just stay up through it if it gets real bad. That's about the extent of it for me.

So yeh, i drag all day and then i get my second wind about 9 pm and stay up and i clean and put my energy into things then. I'm a night owl even if i hadn't worked third shift for 6 years.


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