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I have spent so much time looking for a job. Can't find a single thing with my degree and everything else you need to have 2-3 years experience! I am finding it impossible it seems that a BA is as equivalent to not having a degree these days. I don't feel like I will ever find a job! Its freaking hopeless. I am not even sure what to do or how to go about it. Its just making me tense, anxious, and angry! And then if I do find a job how am I going to get through the interview without having a panic attack or thinking that I will. I can't go there drunk! I feel like a failure...I feel so overwhelmed!!!!!!!!!


Sorry for my excessive complaining the last few posts.

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Don't worry about "complaining". If things were perfect none of us would be here.

Are there any job fairs being held in your area now that first semester is over?

In our area you can be hired onto many companies just on the basis of having a degree, even though it may not have anything to do with the work you would be doing. Can you work outside of your education temporarily? Are you signed up with agencies? Also, there are, though I don't know how to find them, head hunters who are looking for you right now, and will be paid by the company once you are hired.

Good for you that you do have a degree. Finding that first job is sometimes not easy, but getting the degree was no piece of cake either, and you hung in there for that. You can do it - the hardest part is the waiting.

Take care,


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Hi Verbena,

I know when school opens in January I am going to the career center and also get some help bettering my resume or CV. I worked outside my education for 21/2 years making a measly seven dollars and something an hour in retail which was driving me insane I had to get out! I have posted my resume on some job sites but many of the jobs require experience. How are you supposed to land a job if you can't find one. I plan on going to grad school but not until next year so in the meantime I really need to fins a job preferably in the field I am going to obtain my Masters in.

Thanks Ann for your response,


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I will keep trying Flippy. I know its hard for everyone. My friends are in the same position as I, however they are dealing with it much better!

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What is your degree? The fact that your friends are also struggling is a good reality check. Lots of times new people end up working in out of the way, small places that don't pay as much and then working their way up to better jobs.

good luck,


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I have a degree in history and Spanish. My concentration is on the history of Spain. This sounds really cheesy but I feel like its apart of me because I have studied history for such a long time. Its very hard to find a job that involves history except for education. I wish I could just get paid for researching and studying!


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that would be cool to be paid for researching... you could stay the proverbial student all your life. how fun to be paid to learn.

have you thought of writting some freelance articles and trying to sell them while you are waiting for a job?

do you also speak spanish... what about a job as an interpreter. i would think that with your history and knowledge of the culture it could be a very possitive experience.

just some ideas.


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I can read and write Spanish fluently. I cannot speak Spanish fluently and it depends on the dialect of Spanish that I can understand. When I travelled to Spain I could understand them very clearly and spoke Spanish all the time. However, in college I took my courses with mostly hispanic students who were not very excepting the I being a British person was taking the course. This use to frustrate the hell out of my professor because I was a good student and had very good writing skills I would just not speak the language infront of everyone except her. I did use the language at work since we have a high Mexican population in NY that did not speak English. But, with my Spanish...it all goes back to rejection because in college some people were not happy I was learning "their" language so I started to think everyone felt that way. But I was actually learning and speaking Castilian for Spain. But, I am sure they don't it actually stemmed from an ex friend who was Puerto Rican who constantly told me that I sounded so "white"! She did not even speak Spanish very well herself but it still got to me and I know it sounds realy silly.


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I will keep trying Flippy. I know its hard for everyone. My friends are in the same position as I, however they are dealing with it much better!


Dont put yourself down, it seems to me you are doing ok. looking for a job is not a great experience, ive only had 2 interviews in my life and im in the position where i may need to start looking for another job myself and the whole process scares the hell out of me.

Have you thought about working in publishing?

You can do this, i believe in you.


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That is so sweet! Thank you flippy! It seems that people have more confidence in me than I have in myself. I cannot see what they see in me. But, I am sure many people can relate to that. I do know what my strengths are and I should focus on those. Apart from my BPD traits, I like who I am but when those traits surface I start to hate myself and just feel horrible. I will continue to keep looking. Thanks for the support guys.


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Care work agencies???

Re what you wrote above, I just wanted to say to you how when my therapist said that I 'may be' Borderline, she said that it was a question of knowing my difficulties AND MY STRENGTHS-----same applies to you, sweetie....

Try listing your good qualities? Go on, I dare you!!!!!


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Lets see...

I am:









Intense (I guess that could go either way)


Forgiving (to an extent)


Intelligent(that was a hard one to write)





Thats all I can think about.

What are all of your good qualities. Lorna...I think that is a good excercise for everyone so when you start to doubt yourselves you can look it up and then realize that you do have strengths and you are good people. Go on right your good qualities "I dare you!" As stated from Lorna.


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im left handed, thats the best thing about me and the thing i most love. i dont think i have any good qualities and i get embarrassed with compliments and stuff, im just me :)

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Yeah, flippy, another lefty! We are becoming more numerous mate, it's only a matter of time before we take over the world! And don't forget also, being left handed means we find it easier to write from right to left. Although I forget why that's a good thing...!


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Baila, I forgot to mention-

You have just GOT TO stick in there mate, I graduated over 5 years ago with 150 other people all looking for a degree related job. Of the very few that have succeeded (and I count them on one hand) they all had remarkable persistance in common and they just didn't give up. Unlike me who did, but i don't care as although I may be paid a shit wage and have a job that is in no way related to why I got those letters after my name, I work with lovely people and enjoy it. The fact that you want to go and study at post grad is fantastic, hold on tight to these dreams of yours,


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Thanks for your words of inspiration. I just need to figure out whats in my mind. I hope that I find something that will allow me to pay rent and bills and a little left over for me but most of all I want to love my job. I just feel like I just can't get over the bump thats hindering me from moving on with my life. I am getting distracted and scared to easily of the unknown.


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sorry, am chickening out on the good qualities list today, feel tired and self-analysed-out......sorry....willdo tomorrow, or Friday, cos its work tomorrow.

I think that was



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