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Anybody Else Feel Similair To This?


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Whenever I am alone I panic. I always have to have a movie on. Even if I'm not watching it I just NEED noise and distraction. I can't even study without something on. The other day, I was coming back to my res. from my boyfriends house and I forgot my laptop power cable. I was left for two days without my computer! I completely panicked. I was pacing around in my room like crazy. I ended up immersing myself in novels all day to keep myself occupied. I was terrified of not being occupied. I ended up finishing three big novels in two days until I got my cable back. It was horrible. The nights were the worse. I couldn't turn the light off. I was very high strung and paranoid. I thought there was something in my closet and I saw shadows. I used to slowly fall asleep with my book but I would feel sleep paralysis coming on.. And I HATE that! Whenever I get sleep paralysis I always see a being in the room with me. Usually a dark haired lady who always grabs me. *shudders* So I had to force myself to stay awake. When I sleep normally, I fall asleep to a movie on my laptop.. So my mind is elsewhere and I can usually leave the big light off. But not that night. Oh man it was bad. I almost cried when I got my friggin cable back.

Anyways, anybody else like this?

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