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Without The Pills?


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:blink: I get the feeling that im losing it, whatever IT is! i had a rearlly bad day today, i had to get out of work, never been like that before, it wasnt rearlly the anxiety either, i dont know what it was but i didnt like it. my doctor and my psychaitrist have tryed to put me on drugs but i have refused thinking i could sort this out without, but now i'm thinking about trying them, i tryed escileopram( thats not spelt right) for a week but they freaked me out! she said about some other drugs cant remember what its called but she said they were pretty hard core, any one here tryed not using any drugs??

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I don't want to sound like an authority on whether its right or wrong to take meds, but I would say it doesn't hurt to try them out properly and see if there's an improvement.

I have been on the same anti-depressant as the one you've tried before, and I would say maybe you need to give it a longer try than a week. Generally for any of these meds to have an effect you have to build up a dose over several/3 weeks. I know the side effects can be shitty to begin with, but they don't always last - look at it as a period of adjustment.

This forum seems to be as a good a place a any to get feedback on most types of medication, so you can always check here (or google it) whenever your doc or shrink recommends something new to you.

I often go without my meds because thats where my mood takes me but I can't honestly say I'm better off without them (in fact I'm a lot more shitty and disjointed). I think I do need them, but the combination has to be right for me to feel confident in the effects it has on me.

Its your call, really.

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I've been doing a lot of thinking today, and think im going to try them. I think im going to have to my psychiatrist everything as well, cus i didnt tell her everything last time. and she wont be able to help me if she doesnt know everything! thanks for the advice! :blink:

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It sometimes pays to be completely upfront about everything. I made the mistake of mistrusting the buggers for years and never ended up with any effective treatment. A read a quote in the paper today that reminded me of that - not only did I shoot myself in the foot, I actually reloaded and shot myself in the other one for good measure!!

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yeah will definatley tell her everything, but sometimes i think that there could be nothing wrong and i will just make a tit out of my self! and i get a bit worryed about that, but some of the stuff that happened today cant be normal!! DOH!!!

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since I was first diagnised with a mental health problem (at first severe depression and now BPD) nearly 10 years ago I have had long periods of being on medication and long periods of not being on meds

it depends where you are at that time.

I have constantly been on meds for the last 5 years (citalopram and a couple of different AP's (one at a time)) but recently (within the last 6 weeks) have stopped taking all my psychotropic meds. I seem to be doing okay this time but I am in a therapeutic community and so have daily psychotherapy and have many people supporting me through my shitty times. If the shit hits the fan, so to speak, in the future I will not hesitate in going back on meds (I get suicidal far more often without meds and if I don't have the daily psychotherapy support that just isn't acceptible).

I must admit, now that the meds are coming out of my system (I got my AP by long acting injection so it is taking a while) I am enjoying not feeling sedated so much (I can now survive on 7 or so hours of sleep whereas before I HAD to have 12 and ideally would have 14 and there was even a while where I slept 20 hours a day) I look forward to getting back to my ususal rythm (I used to sleep about 4 hours a night)

anyway I seem to be hijacking this thread

there are times to be on meds and times to go without

speak to your psych and let him advise but remember it is YOUR choice



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