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How To Get Your Needs Met With Your Mental Health


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lol mental health team? wtf is one of those!

Im made to feel like im bothering a junior psychiatrist when he could be seeing more 'important' people (ok checked for twisted thinking, its a realistic observation :angry::P ) he only has space to see me once every 6 to 8 weeks anyway.

Got rejected and dismissed by a PRIVATE psychologist as the NHS didnt have the resourses. Apparently his insurance didnt cover people 'like me' wtf?

Had a CPN a few times after suicide attempts, she was one of those head tilters that NEVER orgainised what she sais she would.

They wont even let me have acess to the emergency out of hours line. Due to the fact I have not made an attempt on my life in some time. where the fuck is the logic there?

My GP just tells me to talk to my psychiatrist as he will know more. Exept he doesnt he has to look up basic meds. The twit prescribed me zispin for a start despite knowing im somewhat dependant on alcohol.

Results,I nearly sedated myself into nothing.

What does it take to get your needs met?

I refuse to pull the manipulative suicide shit again just to make them see that I need more support than im getting.

Ive done this in the past. Seriously I can still see why I was pushed to that point.

Its so bad.

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:( yep know exactly where u are coming from this Government has supposedly ploughed money into the NHS but in my experience I have not seen it show up in the mental health services. I have seen no-one for 6 months and feel totally well words can't describe. I know what u mean about what do you have to do to get your needs met. My thoughts get so twisted at times. I even thought once suddnly when i felt so desperate if I slapped a stranger in the street suddenly they would take notice, please don't be offended because they are sick thoughts that I have, I have avoidant personality as well so I would never harm anyone I am too scared of people and it's that as well as being so down at the bottom of the pit and let down by the services that I can't face fighting with the system anymore

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The system sucks.

It took my cpn 8 months to give me the phone number of the crisis team whislt telling me that it was only for "real emergencies"

Because I dared complain about the standards of care I received on the ward and from my psych they have basically washed their hands of me now.

I haven't seen my psych in over 3 months. She tells me she won't consider admission ever again. She won't prescribe meds coz she says they don't help despite only ever hvaing been on 2 types whilst under her care.

She has referred me to an NHS psychologist even though she knows what a good relationship I have with my current t coz she is unhappy with the fact that the rest of the team is NHS based and my t is private. Well excuse me for making her life difficult.

And if I want help I have to ask the "right" person in the "right" way as if I don't they won't help me.


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I think that mental health is in 'crisis' all over the world...

I also think that this is because more and more people are suffering from mental illness.... I am not sure why - maybe it's this fucked up world we live in... :(


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I had two appointments last year .I had to make them myself as they just 'accidentally on purpose' forgot about me.

Admittedly it was a below par year. Normal year? Appointment every 3 months for 10-15 minutes.Usually with SHO(lucky to get same one twice in a row) No cpn.Gp doesn't give a f*** about the mentally ill.

Appointments inevitably involve being ignored or having concerns/feelings trivialised.

Worst moment in recent years? Being asked to see mh team due to change of circumstances resulting from wife's vascular dementia. Got told to pull myself together and do more. I had had to look after her single handedly for 11 months because nobody could be bothered to listen when i said how bad she was.

Favourite mh team/psychiatrist phrases? 'We are understaffedand overworked'

'It's only average stress' 'Pull yourself and do more' 'awkward and demanding'

'It's not up to me.It's up to X'

GP's favourite phrase: 'Are you seeing a psychiatrist '?

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My MHT are ok. They won't see or speak to me when I'm "crisis" though which is just plain stupid. The main cpn I see is quite old and doesn't seem to know what she's talking about which rritates me. Private therapists won't ocme anywere near me hough, because of the state of my medical record :angry::(

There is probably something we can do to improve sevices available, I think that they get away with too much in some ways. I dunno. Sorry :(

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There's one thing I've learnt, and that's to not give them the impression that you're fully ok...once you do that, they think you've more or less recovered, and they strike you off the list, which means if you ever are in a crisis again, you're back to square one. :angry:

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I am fairly new to the whole MHT concept. To be honest, I have never met 'the team'. I don't actually think there is a team. Where are they? Who are they? Are they just pretend?

When I phone up to speak to my psychiatrist she is never available, and often her secretary is unavailable as well. The receptionist there won't listen to you speak and finish your sentence before 'putting you through'. I had to phone back three times the other day because she wasn't listening to what I wanted!

You are in crisis and get told to phone them in this situation, but when you do, you are greeted by an answer machine.

Nobody seems to want to listen. When I have got hold of the right people, I am told I can't come in any earlier than my appoinment time. I am waiting four weeks to see her and between times I can't just phone up and go in. So this means that to get any real support I would have to go to hospital and explain my problems all over again. Our problems just don't keep to timetables, so I don't see how they are really helping me. I have to look after myself. And I am not able to do this. This probably explains why I am just getting worse and worse.

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The secretary and psychiatrist being unavaliable is an all too common one. If a pound was put towards research costs each time that happened then it sure as hell would speed up advances in treatment .

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That is so true about secretarys and psychs never being available. Back last year i saw my con and was in serious crisis. She phoned my psych to try and get her to see me but couldn't get hold of either of her secretaries. She got so fed up she drove me up to the hospital so they had to see me!

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