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'ello I'm New- Could Anyone Answer A Couple Of Questions?


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Hi. My names Sass and its been suggested by some mental health professionals that I am a high functioning BPD sufferer. I had a couple of questions that I hope some of you kind people can help me with. There seems to be some disparity between the help available for sufferers in the UK and elsewhere in the world. I keep getting shunted from pillar to post because I'm clearly too severe a case for the primary mental health services, but despite referal from a psychiatric nurse, doctor and cbt therapist secondary mental health services have queried whether or not I meet their criteria (no further explanation given to either myself, or the refering doctor or nurse). This means i'm having to shell out a substantial amount of my own money to see a CBT therapist (yet strangely they seem happy to keep upping the anti-depressants). Has anyone experienced similar difficulties? Did you manage to resolve it? Has anyone got any suggestions as to how I can best ensure I get the right NHS support?

Secondly. I can't seem to sleep through the night. I can get to sleep easy enough. But then I wake up every couple of hours through the night. Is this in any way linked to BPD? I have cut out all caffine and still can't sleep. Even if the two aren't linked does anyone have any suggestions on how I could get a decent night's kip? I'm sick of waking up uber kranky. :blink:

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I wish I could help you on all counts but I can't because I'm very BPD and DID so I get care easily.

I also suffer from the sleep difficulties and I've been prescribed sleep aids but the problem is they don't get me throught the whole night and I wake up at around midnight. some nights are better than others.

Try chamomile tea that also helps me or do what "super nanny" suggests and get yourself a bed time routine just like a toddler! I know that sounds really stupid but it just popped into my head and maybe I also need a bed time routine. I mean, babies are human beings too and they are usually veyr out of control human beings just like us so surely if it works for them it can work for us too.

I'm goin to try it!


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Hello :)

I am a really bad sleeper too a lot of the time too. I once found this stuff called badger balm though, there's a lavender one, that you rub on your hands and temples and well anywhere really. And it gave me the best night's sleep EVER! (i am not sponsored by them-honest!) No waking up, or feeling groggy like i would with other sleeping aids, even the herbal ones i tried. Think you can get it in health food shops or some boots stores too, but haven't been able to find it recently, hence i am typing at half past two!

Anyhow, i hope you find something that helps you :)

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Hello :)

I am a really bad sleeper too a lot of the time too. I once found this stuff called badger balm though, there's a lavender one, that you rub on your hands and temples and well anywhere really. And it gave me the best night's sleep EVER! Drifted off all peaceful...(i am not sponsored by them-honest!) No waking up, or feeling groggy like i would with other sleeping aids, even the herbal ones i tried. Think you can get it in health food shops or some boots stores too, but haven't been able to find it recently, hence i am typing at half past two!

Anyhow, i hope you find something that helps you :)

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Sass -

I really can not give you any advise as far as care in the UK, because I am from the states.

I just wanted to welcome you to the site, and I hope you are able to get the answers you

are looking for.


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Thanks guys. As selfish as it sounds it's nice to know I'm not the only one suffering with lack of sleep. I vaguely remember seeing badger balm in the boots counter at my local Sainsbury. I'll pick some of it up later and try some of the johnson's baby bath sleep stuff (not quite sure what else toddlers do at bedtime having never had kids- so any suggestions on compiling a sleep routine would be appreciated). Thanks for the ideas- I'll keep you posted. :P

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If you cannot sleep, at least get rest (unless you have children, of course). When I was at university, i don't think i slept for 2 years. i never found anything that worked....i just listened to the World Service a lot. i knew more about central Africa than i did mid-Wales. doh!

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I can't help with the therapy as I'm in canada and it's quite different, but the sleep problems could be sleep apnea, which is a closing of an airway that last seconds or minutes, it's worth checking out, they do a sleep test, and it's fixed with a machine, I have sleep apnea so I can relate. any other questions feel free to pm me.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Sass!

Where do I start! :lol: Ok firstly you are in quite a good area to get Services! I'm amazed you aren't getting the help you need! Guess that every-one is know tightening there belts now! Firstly having had huge difficulties with the Authorities I know firmly believe you shouldn't deal with this yourself! A good community care lawyer is worth there weight in gold!

Plus any thing they do wont be used against you to to substantiate their reason for refusing services! Hopefully this should be free to you if your on benefits! You should tell your full past history Especially if you have ever been held under any Sections at anytime!Try and give them as much as you can to support why you need extra help! A good advocate might be able to help you to! Hampshire Mind has a very good person on their books who is an expert on BPD! (I hope she hasn't left!)

A second opinion might be useful hear to I believe your area is now being covered by the Henderson Hospital maybe some input from them might be worth while. You can find them very easy on Google! I would suggest you contact them and see if they can assist you further. I'll try and find some more info for you and get back to you!

Good Luck !


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