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Why Won't My Subconscious Stop!


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Recently, for over a week I keep having dreams of my best friend. I am with him either intimately or just in his presence. I wake up and it just makes me miss him more. I keep trying to forget how my I feel about him but my subconscious won't allow me to forget. I think to myself why is my mind putting me through this I am already going through a lot without thee added thoughts. Then I started to think that maybe because I feel so alone and isolated that the only way I feel comfort is through my dreams. In my dreams I am being hugged and cared for but then I wake up and I feel even more alone.

I used to dream a lot about horses. It seemed that everytime I gelt scared and alone I always had dreams of riding or being around horses. I wish I knew how to anaylize my dreams!

My sister's boyfriend dreamt that I went around threatening to kill everyone in the house the other night. I had a big butcher's knife or something am I was trying to attack people. Thats lovely! I wonder why he thinks I am violent! And capable of doing that because I am not.

I also had a dream my sister had cancer. Thats not cool.

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ok first, dreams are not to be taken literally (your own or anyone else's).

You are the best anylist of your dreams, it is often instintive, but a good dream interpretaion book is helpful, do you see a therapist? if so tell them about your dream.

I am quite comfy around my dreams, I view them as help from my subconcious and worthy of attention; dreams fall into a few catergories, however,

1 dreams that are just nonsense and can be ignored, giggled at maybe but basicly ignored!

2 dreams with meaning, significant to you, either about a situation now or in the present.

3 Nightmares- which are like the above two, sometimes they are just nonsense or just as significant but disturbing whichever catergory they fall into.

your subconcious uses odd language to express itself and will often use punning, and symbology that is often crude, simple, ludricrous and disturbing - a typical symbol which has been used in films in the past is a train going into a tunnel to represent sexual intercourse- tho your mind is very sophisticated and I have simply dreamt about sexual intercourse without the sybolic code!

buy a good book (check out the books on line, etc and get a good one) and learn how your mind works with regard to dreams I use one some years ago - it was useful on several fronts; i learnt more about my self, how the mind works etc, it kept me occupied and out of trouble-so to speak, it may not have had actuall dreams in exactly like mine but you will find that if you get into this kind of language your mind sort of does it for you - it comes more natuarlly to think in dream language. some dreams are so obvious in thier meaning.

and yes you could be right you could be comforting yourself in your dreams about this man, a wish fulfilment dream.

Later I will post the name of the book I have for you.

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I agree tht when you have dreams of your friend instead of being distressed you could turn that into joy. Wrap up more in your blanket and relieve your dream and be glad that you had that contact if only in dream land. Maybe you are having these now because you need the comfort... so take it.


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yeah, i think dreams are just a way of reviewing new information and linking it to already stored information, kind of like filing the day's events into the right folders. or it is the brain going over and reviewing old information and possibly reorganising it to fit with new concepts and understandings.

i was talking to Mike about the functions of dreams last night. i suggested that maybe it was as simple as the brain being on standby, like a TV. The brain can never switch off entirely or it would be dead. A dream viewed in this context is therefore more about neurons randomly ticking over and the unconscious observing it. Unconsciousness I think still allows for observation and memory, because it just a lesser form of consciousness, rather than a complete absence of consciousness.

This came up in a discussion about lucid dreaming. We were debating whether the feeling you can sometimes get in a dream, the feeling that you are suddenly aware that the dream is not real, that you are in a dream, and may even begin to be able to dircect this dream, is actually demonstrative of super consciousness whilst unconscious, or whether that feeling is just a product of the dream, a facet of it, making you believe you are lucid.

Anyway. Interesting. I don't believe that dreams can predict anything. As far as interpreting things, well, you will never know for sure about what symbolises what, or what it means, but you can make a good guess if you look at what issues have been affecting or bothering you.

A dream about your sister having cancer does not predict anything i think. Rather it points to your dislike of her, or a deep set fear of abandonment and underlying care for her.

Your sisters boyfriend prolly dreamt about you killing him because he senses you don't like him all that much and may also sense a degree of mental instability about you - he is unsure of you. I think that is a reasonable reaction for someone who does not understand BPD, who witnesses someone being out of control with panic etc. I have had a lot of dreams about my brother killing me by stabbing me in the back or the chest. I know this is because I thought his MH problems extended as far as psychopathy and violence - but i did not understand that flat expression and inappropriate emotional behaviour was part of Aspergers!

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