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A Pleasant Day


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It's a beautiful day outside. I have a pitcher of mint tea in the fridge, and a whole yard to mow. (Maybe I have some Hank Hill in me, but I find mowing the lawn to be relaxing and enjoyable, but I know it's not for everyone.)

I just felt like sharing something that has improved my daily energy level noticeably over the last year or so.

When I lived in the dorms at school, I frequently missed meals. The decision would be to go eat, or find a couch and lie down, and it was the latter that I almost invariably chose (it is amazing how many couches there are on a college campus). It got to the point where I was eating maybe 6 meals a week at times. By the time I moved off campus, I was finally pestered to eat more from enough sources (and I calculated that I was taking in less than half the recommended calories for my age and body-weight) that I've been making a conscious effort to have at least two, and preferably three meals a day.

Eating regularly has definitely improved my energy level and mood. I am still often tired, and sometimes moody, but the baseline is improved.

Now, I'm not talking about eating disorders. I have no experience with them, and would feign give advice on a topic of which I am ignorant. However, eating regularly will likely improve the situation of anyone, at least somewhat. I certainly didn't realize how good this advice was when I was still eating poorly.

Now, in my case, neither eating too little nor eating properly have had any noticeable effect on my weight, up or down, but that might just be me and my particular metabolism. What it did effect was my energy, and exercise is more effective at getting in shape than diet in many cases anyways.

Just a little thing I thought I'd share. As always, take advice with a grain of salt.

All be well.


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Glad you are having a good day! And have enough energy to mow your lawn!

It sounds as if you have made an important discovery about how to take better care of yourself-as you say regular eating is healthy for all of us; it is also something a lot of us find hard to do/easy to resist, for various reasons-EDs among them. I hope you will be able to stick to your new eating plan even if your moods try to dictate otherwise.

Keep on enjoying that sunshine!


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Im one of those people with an eating disorder so its an endless struggle for me but for other people I think this is really good advice.

And how lovely you are having a good day!

My best friend mows the lawn every friday and if he can´t do it he gets all upset because he loves it :)

So I have heard about the relaxing qualities of mowing before.


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Thanks KW for your vivid post :)

For the first time in my life in recent weeks I almost stopped eating, it may have been the depression or the meds or both and I got fainter and fainter but now my appetite is back and good. :)

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