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Venlafaxine-getting Rid Of It


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Hi all

I have decided after long deliberation to come off venlafaxine(225mg of XL). I have been on it for years and feel it is only clogging me up and clouding everything. If truth be known I have more depression than when I first started on it.

I realise it is not going to be easy but it is something I have to do. I am going to wean myself off it and let you all know how it goes.

If anybody has done this I would be glad of some insight as to how it might be.

Wish me luck

Take care all.

Paul x

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Hi Paul,

Coming off efexor can be pretty difficult in my experience, moreso if you've been taking it for a longer period. If you do a google search on 'efexor discontinuation syndrome' you'll find reams of info about it.

Coming off it very slowly is the safest way...reducing the dose by small increments over a period of months. The doc had me reducing the dose over a couple of months, but it was still a nightmarish experience to say the least. I had been taking efexor for a couple of years, with the highest dose at 300 mg. The discontinuation symptoms were things like: electric shocks in my head/body, extreme suicidality/anger, crying jags that didn't stop for hours/days, insomnia, dysphoria, headaches.

I found that the worst period was the week after my last dose, the second week it settled more and by the third week I was feeling more human again.

Feeling more depressed after being on efexor for sometime may be medication poop-out. That was one of the reasons I wanted to come off efexor too (along with too many side effects). It's not uncommon for a medication to become less effective over time.

Are you planning to come of efexor with your Dr's support? You may be fortunate in not experiencing the worst case scenario ( I really hope you don't), but if things get hairy, you will need lots of support. Wish you the best with it Paul..let us know how it's going.



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Hi Silkworm,

I am not doing it with Drs support, I am going it alone. I only have my GP for support and mental health is not his forte, so the support he can offer is very limited.

Glad to hear you got through it ok. I was told when I first went on Effexor that it was an ok drug to discontinue, that there would be no problems. Since then thinking has changed somewhat.

I am not certain about the use of anti d's with BPD. What do you think? Is it wise to try something different after coming off this one? I realise we are all different but just trying to collate information off sites like this is sometimes all the help, well true help some of us can get.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Paul x

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I have read about people having been considered to have benefitted enough from venlafaxine after six weeks and stopping after that.

There is also of course the whole overdose (prescribed overdose) question.

I wonder if they know what we put on the line, wilingly conducting chemical experiments on ourselves at their - "advice"?

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Yes, poop-out...an odd term, but has become a common anecdotal description for a medication plateau/loss of effectiveness.

Mayo Clinic's take on 'poop out'


Really think you should talk to your Dr about this, attempting to come off a medication you've been on for some time, without medical guidance is more than a bit risky. Are you able to ask your GP to refer you to a psychiatrist for a review?

I'm on medication to treat severe depression, with the added bonus of it helping me manage my mood fluctuations. Meds give me stability (to a degree) and the will to stay alive. Without meds, depression would have beat me long ago. Whether anti-depressants are useful in managing BPD is something best explored yourself I think(a google search will yield plenty to read on the subject). My opinion is just that, an opinion among many. I tend toward thinking that if meds help give people some stability, that can't be a bad thing.

An interesting read on medications for BPD here

All the best, let us know how things are going,


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I have found that my Effexor is doing very little to combat my moods or help my depressive episodes. My GP would only tell me to taper as he did once before when I found the withdrawal effects too drastic to continue.

We have two psychiatrists for our catchment area and I have seen both. One didn't even know I had BPD until I forced her to read my notes and the other is very ineffectual.

I am going to do this and up to now thanksfully the side effects have been reasonably mild up to now. I have had neuralgia, insomnia and shakes but all things considered it's not as bad as I remember,............yet!

I truly appreciate your concern, and I promise should things become unbearable I will see my GP. I will have to visit him to get some 375mg tabs when the time arrives.

Take care all

Paul X

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Hi Paul,

Gah, finding a good psychiatrist is such a struggle isn't it? There isn't enough of 'em, even fewer who are experienced in treating borderline. What to do huh? Glad to hear that you will touch base with your GP if things get too bad. Can understand wanting to be free of a med that does nothing but give you side effects.

I hope you'll keep us posted, you're not alone in this. Truly understand how awful it can feel.

Take care,


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Just thought I'd post an update as peopel may be interested as to how I'm finding the withdrawal effects.

I started off taking 225mg of Venlafaxine XL (3 caps) in one nightly dose. Just under a week ago I cut the 3 caps down to 2 and for the first two days or so my clarity of mind was much better. My anxiety levels dropped also. As I wasn't really suffering I split the 2 cap dosage into one cap at night and one in the morning. After about 4 days I felt like I'd been hit by a train, aching and tired and sore. I also had neuralgia type pains in my head face and neck. I still feel like this today, about 6 days or so into it I think, but the neuralgia is not as bad.

I am only sleeping about an hour or so before waking up and I put this down to an increase in risperidone I had a few weeks ago.

Overall the effects are not as bad as last time I tried to come off it, however, I am not advocating people to do this, this is my choice, I am taking St. Johns Wort as a supplement.

I am persisting with it because even with the pains and aches I still feel more clear headed. Hopefully at the end of it I shall be like this a lot of the time.

Hope that all you good people out there are having a good day.

Paul x

PS My last post should have read 37.5mg tabs when the time comes, not 375mg!

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Just a quick update for anyone who is interested. I have cut down to 75mg capsule in morning and 37.5mg tablet at night.

First two days were ok then felt terrible. I was really anxious, irritable and depressed. It appears to be wearing off just now but it was not pleasant. Also having trouble sleeping and dare I say it.... bowel movements have changed.

I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end. Wish I'd never heard of the damned thing.

Take care all.

Paul X

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Hi Paul,

You're going really well coping with the discontinuation symptoms...hope things don't get any worse for you. I feel the same about Efexor..wished I had never heard of it too. A pdoc wanted me to go back on it at one point ~ the look on my face must have said it all..lol. Not in a million years!

Have you thought about seeing a GP to talk about something to help get you over the worst of the discontinuation symptoms? I've read that prozac can help there, because it has such a long half-life ( stays in your body for up to 5 weeks).




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be really careful tapering off only go down 37.5 every week or every other week, you might notice that you are grumpy or a bit on the perturb side over small things, that passes, also you might feel 'electric shocks' when you move your eyes or head, this wears off and if it doesn't after two weeks it means you are physically addicted and need to go back on, if it clears it up in a few days, start slowly again, I came off and it was hard as I was physically addicted but the side effects of coming off eventually wore off, also keep track of emotions as you can downward spiral quite fast. and ask if things are normal to others who have come off it. also when you get close to being off it tell your gp.

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I am also on Effexor. 300mg's a day. About 5 years ago I tried weaning off of it. Talk about a "living hell". Even with weaning I had miserable withdrawals. Just like silkworm, I had the electric shocks (they're also referred to as "zaps"), crying and all the other horrid feelings that went along with it. After about the 2nd or 3rd day I couldn't take it anymore so I gave up. I went back on my regular dosage. And even sometimes now, I still get "zaps".

I've been in the Psych ward 2 times in the past 2 months for Disociative episodes, Severe Depression & SH. HEY doc's! Could it be any more obvious that this med is not helping me any longer??!! Sheesh! In my opinion the Effexor has pooped out on me. I've been on it for about 7 years.

I'm seeing a new psychiatrist on Monday. I hope she puts me on a new medicine.

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I'm having a terrible day today with the withdrawals. I'm determined to get rid of it this time once and for all. I'm now down to 2x 37.5mg daily. This is the third day after my cut back and it seems to be about this time when it hits me.

Thanks for the advice Amanda it's helpful to know what is coming so I can explain the effects away and not put it down to BPD. Good luck Bemused with your psychiatrist, I truly believe these things are the work of the devil. Perhaps they help soem but from what I hear the downside far outweighs any benefits.

Hope everyone else is having a good day.

Paul X

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im glad ur taking it slowly with the effexor. its a nasty drug to take and the withdrawal effects are horrendous.

i took it just after it was first introduced to the UK and the doc soon had me taking 225mg per day. after nearly 3 months i realise it wasnt working for me so decided to come off it. basically i had no help, no info just told stop it dead. of course u do as advised and i dropped off it completely. for over a month i was horrifically ill and at times felt like i was dying. ppl think u exaggerate but it was the vilest AD id taken with withdrawal effects. all my psych team said was to increase my risperidone whilst withdrawing.

ppl here have mentioned the effects and mine are no different. for me i started off feeling like a had a bad case of the flu. prob was that soon went into the 'brain shcoks', nausea, temperature going like had a fever, shakes, vomiting, face spasms, slurred speech, sleep problems and bowel disorders.

afterwards it was pointed out to me by a new shrink that u should wean urself down over a period of months from the drug. also as mentioned in another post prozac combats most of the side effects coming off effexor. prob is for someone suffering with bipolar prozac is not the best drug to take as it can cause hypermania.

keep going as im sure u will do it in the end. just try to be mindful of the fact that the dosage u r taking now does mean that u will prob start to feel anxious and agitated but that it is part of the withdrawal too.

tc wolfie x

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I have got down to a 37.5mg tab twice a day about 5-6 days ago. I feel awful. I am tired all the time yet cannot sleep. I have little or no interest in anything and feel very depressed. My digestive problems are bad and I ache all over. Just a few of the effects og this damned drug.

If anybody has come off it could they please give me an indication as to how long I can expect this to last?

Hope everyone else is having a better day.

Paul x

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I was on 300mg Venlafaxine for about 18 months, but felt I no longer needed it and stopped it dead, which I wouldnt advise at all but it did work. I felt extremely physically unwell for 2 weeks solid, the electric shocks, feeling as though I was underwater ie my head all echoey; achey, fluey, sick etc etc. It was 2 years ago so sorry I dont remember the mental effects of withdrawal. The unwell feeling was horrible but it did stabilise after 2 weeks. The shrink was v annoyed however that Id withdrawn like that so I dont know if its dangerous

Good luck


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Thanks Rebecca,

That was very brave of you to do that. So nice to know somebody is out there.

I feel so anxious and desolate, and thoughts of suicide are never far away although I wouldn't do anything. I mentioned on other posts that I can't remember the good times when I'm bad and vica versa, that applies now. This seems like it's been going on forever.

Sorry for whinging, others are in a worse position than me.

Take care all.

Paul X

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((((Paul))) you're not whinging...you're needing support. When I came off efexor it took 2-3 weeks after taking the last dose before everything subsided. The first week after the last dose was the worst. It may be different for you, I was also started on a new anti-depressant at the same time which may have made things worse.

Think about seeing a doc if the suicidal feelings and depression get any worse yeh? The last few dose reductions and first few weeks after stopping are when you are most at risk. It may be that your depression is re-surfacing...or it may be part of the withdrawal ~ only a doc can make that assessment.



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You remember the people we told to take their symptoms off the forum (but carry on telling us about them of course).

Well of course this is exactly what I 've been doing.

Except I haven't of course.

I've only been telling you about them.

But my ability to tell is less good than it was.

Anyway all those people we used to complain about (to), probably all that was happening was they were taking the wrong drug or drug quantities.

I've found this a very informative thread so far, I have been worse than any of you and I only took the stuff nine days although I must say I am carrying on taking it exactly as instructed, ordered, advised, or whatever.

I wish you could tell me the name of good antidotes.

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Thanks again for the replies.

Thanks for the hug silkworm. I needed that. I used to be on a forum where people tended to be critical of peoples feelings sometimes.

Sorry to hear things are bad for you Miko. I have felt like going back onto effexor just to get stable again but I know I will have to, and want to do this eventually. I am therefore going to keep going.

Take care everyone

Paul X

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dropped down to 37.5mg in a morning and 20mg of Prozac at night. Troubles start 2-4 days after the cessation of venlafaxine and last up to 7-10 days after, so far.

I'm not wishing to put anybody off coming off venlafaxine as we are all different. This is just my experience as it happens.

Thanks for all the support on here.

Hope you all had a good day.

Paul X

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I was on 225mg XL and after finding out I was pregnant I had to come off it completely in 2 weeks! It wasn't fun, I ended up with transient auditory hallucinations and was put in a psych unit. Take it as steady as possible, theres no point in making a difficult time worse. Good luck

Helen x

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  • 2 weeks later...

I stopped my last venlafaxine capsule a week last Sun, so about 10-11 days now. I have been able to stay out of bed for two days in a row until today. I feel so sore in my muscles, weak and light headed. I have no interest in anything and this post has taken hours for me to get around to doing.

Can anybody reassure me that this could just be a blip from the venlafaxine? I feel like breaking down emotionally, crying and such and generally just giving up on myself. I feel so depressed. I have been on 20mg prozac for about the same time as I finished the effexor.

I'm trying to hang in there but things just seem so bleak at the moment, and as with a lot of us, I can't put myself in a position where I can imagine things getting better.

Can anybody please help? I have even considered going back to the venlafaxine.

I just need something I can cling to.

Thanks so much

Paul X

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