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New Diagnosis


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Well, I have been dx as having bipolar II. I kind of thought that I was. My psych. then gave me a clear dx. At least I know and now I can deal with it. I have that along with bpd.

He says that my happy moods are called hypomania. They're not as severe as the actual mania. I'm glad of that. I heard that hypomania can turn into the actual mania. I hope it doesn't. If I continue to take my meds right, then I should be okay.

A part of me is having trouble dealing with it. I had trouble dealing with the bpd when I was first dx. One dx was enough. Nothing I can do about it. I will survive..... :unsure:

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Many people with BPD have a dx of bipolar II. Now you will be prescribed the correct meds and will be treated for it so you will feel better. Try not think about what it can cause because that will only stress you out and may never happen. BPD is just a label it does not define you as a person and there is something you can do about it. Work hard at beating it. It can be done! You will survive. Think positve! :)

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Now I see why my t's have always

been so slow to tell me my dx. It

gets stuck in your head, I think, and

instead of working on what's going on

right now, we tend to look at all these

things piling up. Take it one day at a


XX Ann

P.S. and listen to LM.

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Verbena makes a good point. This is the reason why therapists are reluctant to slap a label on your forehead because it does get stuck in your head to the point of which it does consume your being. And remember we are over analytical thinkers and we become obessed with out thoughts. They know that about us! My therapists were very reluctant and only told me because I am a pain in the ass and ask too many questions. My therapist was treating me for the BPD traits without me knowing. I still wish I did not know but then I would have never found this site.

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