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Anxiety Is Underated In My Opinion...


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yes i think i do. anxiety and what it can do to you both physically and mentally is not credited with being as powerful as it is.

is that it?


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Whats the underlying cause of our problems...anxiety...Our traits are all based on anxiety...if anxiety did not rule our lives would there be such thing as BPD...I think not.

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I only turn BPD when I feel rejected thats the only time other than that I don't display BPD traits only anxiety. You know what I mean.

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Anxiety is a symptom unless reoccuring and then it can become part of a single diagnosis in itself. "Generalized Anxiety". Generalized Anxiety w/panic or Generalized Anxiety w/agoraphobia or Generalized Anxiety...........several types of anxiety to name a few.

Havng anxiety is very common with BPD just as abandonment issues are and other symptoms. BPD has soooooo many symptoms....as we all know Sometimes the symptoms can appear to occur by themselves and be mistaken for a single dx or the symptoms may occur and be mistaken for BPD.

Anxiety is found with those having OCD, bipolar, BPD, substance abuse............ Panic Disorder is something else but usually begins as anxiety......and then the panic becomes anxiety/panic/avoidance/agoraphobic............

*slaps head..........I should look at what the books say..........and stop acting like a freakin' "know it all".


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I am at college and this is the first time I have felt happy and not anxious. Its only 10:30 in the morning but I am feeling fine right now.

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You're right that anxiety is underrated. People who don't suffer from it don't know what it's like. They can't understand why you are a supermarket and it's a zoo of other shoppers and an anxiety attack hits and you have to turn and run. They think that anxiety sufferers are just plain crazy or antisocial.

I have anxiety about being in a crowd with a bunch of people. I can't even stand family functions. I fall to pieces. I have wrote about that in a past post.

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What sucks about anxiety and panic attacks if you suffer from them consistently is the fact that you may need to warn your boss or other people you deal with on a regular basis because the panic attacks come out of nowhere. I know that people at my last job knew I had panic attacks and thought I was mentally unstable. These people are ignorant and I would really like those who tell us "its all in your head get over it" to suffer from just one panic attack so they can understand exactly what it feels like.

Panic disorder is very common and its not a mental illness and can be treatable. Hey, we are all very creative, analytical, and intelligent so thats a plus.

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I agree wholeheartedly.I've suffered from anxiety since my early teens.From the generalised type(mainly) to the being convinced in my head i'm going to have a heart attack/ brain haemorrage type.

It's only in recent years that it's been taken on board by the mh people that it's a problem ansd then only when i have freaked out over something they have said and i get the disparaging 'Ooh you do seem rather agitated and anxious'.

If i bring up that i feel anxious of my own volition then it just basically gets ignored .

I hate the way it can just roll in like some kind of emmotional tidal wave crashing onto the shores of my mind leaving me so mentally and physically drained -as if all the life has been sucked out of me.

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I hate the way it can just roll in like some kind of emmotional tidal wave crashing onto the shores of my mind leaving me so mentally and physically drained -as if all the life has been sucked out of me.


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