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It Was Quite An Achievement!


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Wow! Last night was a good night!

I was at the gas station and there's this worker there that really annoys me and I don't think likes me and our personalities just clash I think.

He told me my area looked like trash when I returned to it after talking. It was only an ashtray and my soda and a paper on my table besides. I went up there just ready to blow up at the guy since he got under my skin. But I got up there, and instead, CALMLY asked why he felt that way and I told him that I clean up after I leave. He still said, " Your place looks like trash." I was feeling it inside and ready to yell at him in the store and instead, I said, "Ok" in a soft tone of voice and returned to my spot. I didnt realize it but two of my papers were on the floor. I was bouncing around talking to friends at different tables last night. I picked them up. I sat and calmed down for awhile after picking up my stuff. Then, I packed up and left and I actually told him, "Cya later." He said, "Cya Katie." even if it wasn't in a good tone of voice.

I handled myself well last night since I would have normally yelled at somebody in that type of a situation. So, I'm proud of myself since it was a challenge to control my temper. And with all the stress I'm already dealing with in my life as well and at that moment last night. Good job.

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Katie wtg. that was an excellent way to handle it. You did a great job! You know what else is good about it? You let yourself feel good at what you did. So often that is a challenge for us. to acknowledge we could and did do something good!

so wtg on both things!

(((((((((((((( katie )))))))))))


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Dear ktodee,

That was really smart how you handled that, congratulations!

I have got a short fuse so I know how hard these situations can be, so well done you.


Bye for now,


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Yay Katie!

Revel in the sunshine of this, yo did well, girl!

The people I work with see it as a big joke that I'm so messy. I told them that it was out of my hands because the universe tends to chaos (!). We had new monitors installed last week and my Boss asked us all very gently if we wouldn't mind sorting out our desks so that the people who were installing the new equipment could get to everything easier. I was like, 'it's ok, you can say the words 'tidy up' I can take it!' Guess I just work with nice people!


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