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Want To Apologise?


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Have you been bad and want to apologise for something?

but don't want to directly?

maybe it was you that swore at the lollipop lady when she made you stop on the way to work?

perhaps you were ratty with some poor shop assistant?

then it's time to repent,

get it off your chest,

feel good again,

you know your not that nasty really

I'd like to say sorry to Chris for stealing your toy gun when we was 7 :unsure: sorry dude

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When we're talking about things to appologize about, I want to appologize to Maria for breaking the squirty fish at the pond when we were 8. :unsure: whistle

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I would like to apologise to my little brother Andrew for bashing his head into a plate glass window, cause you had the blue penguin and I wanted it, for hitting you with a rake and also with a ruler and making the see saw stay up in the air and then slamming it down and breaking ya ankle. I want to say sorry for when I made you eat laburnum seeds (they are poisonous) and you had to spend the night in the hospital and they made you puke, when you were 5. In fact, I would like to say sorry for the times that you had to go to hospital and the times that you had stitches because of me.

Its a wonder you made it to your 38th birthday today. I certainly didnt help any. I love you man. Happy Birthday.

Your ever loving Sis


P.S. I truly didnt know the seeds were poison, and I still say that Old Mrs Dolphin was a witch.

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I want to apologise for everything that i have ever said and done to everyone because everything that i do or say is bad.

I want to apologise for being alive. ive tried not to be, but maybe those few times just not hard enough, even though i was only minutes away from it. damn it

I want to apologise to gillian for throwing scissors and kitchen chair at your head when i was 9.

I want to apologise to my brother for treating you like shit and putting you down while you were growing up but i tried to take it all back by protecting you and not letting anyone including that bastard hurt you like he did me.

I want to apologise to mum, for dredging up the past last sunday. but i need to in order for me to move past it. im sorry that you cant.

I want to apologise to nana for laughing at your funneral.

I want to apologise to Peter for not going to your funneral, but it would have destroyed me.

I want to apologise to bpdworld because i could go on forever here but i wont.

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:D I want to apologize to my brother David for throwing a fork at his ear that stuck ..when I was 11

I want to apologize for taking money out of my brother Ricky's drawer while he was at school... age 13

I want to apologize for not listening to my daughter sometimes.

I want to apologize for having a messy house.

I want to apologize for not always being there for my friends when they need me.

I want to apologize for not taking my meds when I know I need to .

I want to apologize to my husband for all the mean tricks I play on him like putting vasoline on the toilet seat or making him eat dog jerky. Even though he deseves it....lol

I want to apologize for not calling my parents often ......no excuse......

That about does it for me.......


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I find these apologies very sad. Raggy, never apologise for being alive. If I have to stay here, so DO YOU! The universe needs you.

T, you dont have to apologise to me for being human. We all have our problems and sometimes we have to take care of what we have to take care of, and never mind anyone else. Thats OK. No one can fault you for that, if they do, send them to me. I will take care of em.

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**Possible triggers**

I want to apologise to my brother David whom I tried to pull off of my favorite chair when he was dying of cancer. He was so weak he couldnt even stand up.

I hated you then and I hate you now. I cant even stand to think about you, but in someways I pity you. You were just doing as you had been taught. I wish I knew who did that to you, I have my thoughts on that matter.

For 25 yrs, your life and death has haunted me. The fact that I didnt get to confront you about what you did to me, that you got to take the easy way out whilst I have to stay here and deal with it.

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I do agree w wabbit. All these apologies..are so sad...I dunno. I myself will have many apologies too...but i guess...the fact that i m here, was put here (on earth), i got to figure THAT one out befoore i start apologising to all the rest! :blink:

Try not to be so hard on yourself my friends. Live, let live. Important things is try to move on, however small the step. Distangle from the past (I do know that is damn bloody hard!).

Be encouraged. U r definitely not alone.

Budgie <_<

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I want to apologize for chasing people out of my life that I really care about.

I want to apologize for forgetting who I am.

I want to apologize for telling my friends that I hated them.

I want to apologize for making those people's lives hell.

I want to apologize for being so pushy.

I want to apologize for making life harder for my parents.

I want to apologize for getting frustrated with everyone so much.

I want to apologize for being in your lives.

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