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Pd & Bipolar

*Crazy Daisy*

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Hi there

I was diagnosed with a PD 7yrs ago, but my psychiatrist has now got me filling out a mood chart because he thinks I may have bipolar 2. I didn't think it was possible to be diagnosed with both, but after coming on this site, I see that some of you have a diagnosis of both.

Just wondered if it took a long time to diagnose and what treatment do you have. My dr said he would have to change my treatment, so I assume that means mood stabilizer? Does that stop the racing thoughts?

I'd be grateful of any information/help



x x

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Hiya Daisy,

I've got BPD and Bipolar type II. The two kind of overlap each other, obviously there's mood disturbance with BPD but with bipolar it's a bit more extreme- for example; when i get depressed i hit rock bottom and can only see suicide as a logical option, i sort of close in on myself into this big black hole, sometimes it lasts weeks, sometimes months and the longest spell has been a year. However, when i have a manic episode (or hypomania i think it's called for type II) i'll be crawling the walls with frustration, over spend, binge drink, generally lose the plot! Nothing in the world matters, nothing is important. I couldn't give a sh!t about consequences- they don't even enter my head. I'll also need less sleep, and have delusional ideas- e.g. 'i'm going apply for a course in so-and-so, and become famous, and earn lots of money!' (when there's no way on this earth i'd be able to do it- if that makes sense?- but i'll still try in my wacky hyped up state lol)

I was prescribed sodium valproate- i think there are two types of mood stabillisers, lithium and this stuff i'm on (which is formally an anti-epileptic drug)- however, sodium valproate mainly targets the manic episodes. It's a strange combination because i'm also on antidepressants to give me a lift- so one brings me down while the other brings me up.

To be honest, mood stabillisers are a bit of a pain in the arse! They don't have very nice side effects (mind you i'm sure it varies from person to person) and you have to have blood tests all the time to regulate the levels as a too high dosage can poison you.

It didn't take long for me to get diagnosed, although i did have to go into a lot of detail regarding my moods, patterns, dates and what i've done in each state. I had to do that over and over again.

Hope this helps?

Jess xx

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Hi Jess

Thanks for the reply, it was helpful to me. I can relate to a lot of what you said.

I hope my Dr takes a while to diagnose as I'm not sure I want to go on mood stabilizers.

I kind of like my highs, I become very productive and have tons of ideas and projects to follow. At times it does drive me mad because my head feels like it will explode with all of the thoughts, but, it's better than the alternative, miserable and suicidal!

I've been told to write my life history from a teenager noting the highs and lows, I really don't know where to start! I can remember having 'mini highs' as I'd call them, when I felt like I'd been drinking, and people would ask me if I'd ben drinking(but I hadn't) and felt all giggly and happy, which was in contrast to my usuall flat mood. But I don't remember having racing thoughts when in that mood. so do I write about thoses little episodes?

I'm just confused.

Thanks again


x x

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Hi again,

I'm like you with the highs- im doing a design course and i find the only time i'm creative and can think of exciting ideas is when im on a high- it is very productive, i get a massive amount done, but then i think- i've spent the past month doing sod all because i've been depressed so really it outweighs it!?

As for your mood diary/life history, write everything down, even if it seems insignificant. The psychologist or whoever you're seeing will make you go into as much depth as possible. As a rule, i don't think they diagnose anyone willy-nilly, normally, they also ask about friends and family and how they perceive you.

I'm only on mood stabillisers because my highs and lows can make me a danger to myself and really interfere. I lose control and can't understand simple concepts like consequences or how much i'm actually damaging myself. Although i am tempted to come off them because of the side effects.

Whatever happens, just be honest and voice your thoughts if you don't feel comfortable.

Jess xx

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Thanks jess

I will write down in detail all of my past behaviours and strange thoughts and ideas for my psych.

He'll probably think I'm barking :)



x x

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  • 4 weeks later...


I am biplar and BPD. I take lithium, risperdal, and lamictal. The lithium is great for me, I've tried alot of different medicine combinations. I finally have a combo that works. I've been on it for a while now and when I take them regularly like im supposed to I have been more stable then ever. If I mess up like I did this past week unfortunatly, I have been falling asleep without taking them :(. I have had alot of mixed episodes latley. Very depressed and very manic in the same day.

When Im more stable it is great but the BPD is still there I find. The moods are more stable but the BPD thinking is still there. I think that is because those patterns are ingrained in my mind right now. But therapy helps that.

Like Jess1987 said, the blood tests and such are a pain. But my experience is that it is worth it. Take care and keep us posted!!!

I hope all that made sense like I said I am a bit off at the moment.

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i have bipolar 2 and bpd.. i was on sodium valporate and it worked well on mt mood but fucked up my liver so now am on seroquells which work well. i havent had a manic high since i was on meds, i missed it initially for the reasons you described, but now im glad cos it was exhausting when i came down, and made the lows seem lower.

bpd is still firing on all cilinders though, although upping the serowuell has stabilised me from my recent crisis.

hugs, ivy x

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