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Women With Bordeline Personality Disorder


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I agree with Pain-Dance on this one.

Things have happened to me as a child (I said put 2 and 2 together) and it was men that did this.

I am now a man myself.

Should I hate myself?

I think that one of the posters here may have had a point here with "rejection sensitivity". Again I'm not going to go into too much detail here but my history (not also friends but family history) concerning women is rejection. Pure rejection. I end up with this slight anxious feeling like a sort of nausea or something. It's the thought that women don't need me. They never have. If they want to get into a relationship there are plenty of upfront, confident (when does a man stop being "confident" and started appearing "arrogant"?) men that will approach them and make all the moves. If it's just sex there are plenty of other men exactly the same. You can't keep chasing after what does not want you. I'm surplus.

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I agree with Pain-Dance on this one.

Things have happened to me as a child (I said put 2 and 2 together) and it was men that did this.

I am now a man myself.

Should I hate myself?

I think that one of the posters here may have had a point here with "rejection sensitivity". Again I'm not going to go into too much detail here but my history (not also friends but family history) concerning women is rejection. Pure rejection. I end up with this slight anxious feeling like a sort of nausea or something. It's the thought that women don't need me. They never have. If they want to get into a relationship there are plenty of upfront, confident (when does a man stop being "confident" and started appearing "arrogant"?) men that will approach them and make all the moves. If it's just sex there are plenty of other men exactly the same. You can't keep chasing after what does not want you. I'm surplus.

When you've had repeated bad experiences of the same sort, it's damn hard not to become coloured by it. It affects your expectations and perception, but expectations and perceptions can be changed. i get the feeling that when confronted by a woman - any woman - your subconscious instantly kicks in with "will she want me or not?" when it shouldn't be about that. It should be more along the lines of "here's a fellow human being who happens to be of the opposite sex."

I have BIG issues with rejection sensitivity myself. All the times I've self-harmed have been when I've been rejected by a guy. I think it has something to do with my Dad leaving when I was a kid. I just feel that whoever I may go out with, there is always someone better looking, more intelligent and more loving that they should be with, not me, cos I'm an imposter, and when i get left, it proves me right. So I know the problem is with the way I feel about myself essentially. When i get manic - filled with joie de vivre and all that suddenly i get male attention. Shame it doesn't last. But it's true that it's all in the signals we put out. Positivity is and always will be the most attractive attribute a person can possess.

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I don't find men as abusers because I've had more women in my life as abusers than men. and when I was in dbt it was really nice to have the guys as it gave from the male view of things

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I think thats its just weird the way these people will 'hate all men'. its such a USELESS response. its not protecting them in anyway. why dont they instead learn to focus on hte behaviours that were abusive and recoil from them whenever they see them :S ??? it wasnt 'men' who were abusive t was punching and yelling and verbally abusing that was abusive so why not run from these things whoever is doing them?

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