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I started this year very optimistic. I was actually doing very well.

But yesterday I went to the dr to give her blood tests I have taken and she told me I suffer from Hypothyroidism and insuline rejection. My levels of everything are up to the limit excpet the thyroid hormones which are very low. I am close to being a diabetic.

This explains so much why I felt so cronically tired for so long. Also the depression could`ve been increased because of that. The dizzines, the lack of memory and obviously all the weight I gained in such a short period of time.

I am pissed for so many reasons. I could have saved time if I had taken the tests earlier. I would have last more in jobs and not taked as a person who gets sick so often. I could have played more with my kids at the park if I hadnt been so f*cking exhausted.

I will have to take hormones the rest of my life.

And how do I know I was really depressed or it was thid stupid disfunction of my body???? <_<

I am so angry, so angry that I am so ill in so many ways. My body is so disfunctional.

I just had a nigthmare where I was sad cus I couldnt provide for my kids.., but thats the reality. as a single mother I cant provide :(

I feel so stupid. so usless!

I am really depressed atm.

Dr said I need to rest for ab a month till meds help and I start feeling less tired. I cant even work out.

I know I am not dying but I didnt need this. I feel fucked.

I am really sad.


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hiya AleBD

I am sorry you feel like this. I too, have hypothyroidism, and had the lowest count my Dr had ever seen when I was diagnosed.

All I can say is take the medication ; at least you get free prescriptions from now on!

It does help, over time, and I feel better since taking thyroxine, but I have to say I am still tired, and I get worse if I am poorly or run down, so you need to take care of yourself and not beat yourself for not being able to do more. You are who you are!

Hope things look up soon. take care

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I wouldn't look at this as such a bad thing. Look at it as a good thing. Now that you know th eproblem it's explained much and there is a very effective treatment. Sure taking thyroid pills every day can be a hassle but you will start to feel so much better now that you know what to do about all that tiredness, weight gain and lack of energy. it will also help to lift your depression so it's all good news really. Not good to know you have yet another thing wrong but better to know about it and do something about it than be in the dark.

It's not such a bad thing really. with the synthetic thyroid you're pretty much unaware there is anything 'wrong' at all. The condition is quite common so you're not a freak or abnormal. You're actually in the company of many others who have this.

Hope it all gets easier for you hun.


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i sooooooooo know how you fell.. my thyroid has been on a rollercoaster for a yeart now, and i am so ill .. as soon as it balances, it drops again and then i have another 3 months waiting for the thyroxine to kick in..

what dose are you on??

i feel for you.. i am completely devoid of energy and the depression is so bad.

make sure you get it checked regularly and rest as much as you can.

also, prepare yourself for anxiety when it kicks in.. its not nice, but it is worth it .. everyones different.. some people it only takes 2/3 weeks but for me it takes 2-6 months and then i felel ok for a while then it drops again.. im on 150mg thyroxine.

big hug, and try not to beat yourself up for having this illness.. it is soooo common.. there are a fair few here who have it too.

bluebell x

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Thanks bluebellgirl and brassed2bits. So I am new at this, the dr didnt tell me what to do or not. Just to take my meds until I am stable. I mean am I going to be tired until the meds kick in? I am so angry for feeling so constantly tired. My house is so dirty at the moment. I must confess I have thought to take drugs to be hyper :unsure: and do things. I get tired in 5 min! is this normal suffering from this? Pls let me know how u take care of yourself, etc.

Ab my dosis I havent started taking the 3 diff pills, I will post it when I get the prescription from my mother but I think I will start with half pill of the hormones. I dont know I am still a mess.

Paine, thanks darling. mum says the same, I will start feeling better and more energetic. This can be the end of many things that have gotten in my way.

Why am I so upset then? :(

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honey i am so upset too about how badly my low thyroid affects me.. im crying lots with frustration that i cant do anything without collapsing with exhaustion. and the depression is so bad.

. its normal to be upset when you're not well.

i wish i could say when you'll feel better, it's different for everyone, i get really ill, dont know if its cos i havbe the autoimmune one(hashimotos) or whether its cos i have m.e/cfs too.. most people regain their energy after a few weeks.

have you had your thyroid antibodies checked??

i am at the point now where if i dont respond to the thyroxine my doc will refer me to an endo for further tests (pituitary scans etc)

but i have been ill with this for so long and my body doesnt seem to be stabilising on a pretty high dose.

its normal to be worried about your health .. there is a good website.. thyromind.org .. it explains how low thyroid affects mental healrth as well as physical.

big hug.. as you can see.. you're not alone here.. many of us have thyroid probs.. post your doses when you can.. some people get put on t3 and t4, but i dont know what the 3rd med is???

blue x

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hi aledb, i allso have under active thyroid, ive sufferd for past 9 years. i allso wonderd why i was tired and wasnt healing to being ill alot and head aches and such stuff. once you start your meds hopfully you be clear cut that it will go up like mine did. mine stayed stable for few yeras and then it went down again. im now on 250mg of thyoxine. i get checked every 6 months if its fine, as im in the thyroid database somwhere which keeps a check and reminds me to get them checked. i guess the only good thing about this is that you get free prescriptions, so that help in long run.

keep us informed in how you get on.

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Thanks again. I feel very felieved I am not alone, seriously. Before I didnt know much ab it.

My thyroid antibodies will be measured in a month.Could I have the adress of thyromind.org ? cant find it.

I am taking a med for colesterol which is too high (is that the way u spell it in English?)

Barebones, how does it feel when it goes down again? why does it happen? and what is free prescription? I am in Mexico and I am not familiar with it.

Thanks all, I mean it.


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when it goes down, i start to get headaches and gain weight and get depressed and all the symtoms, not sure why it goes down never looked into it before. questoin about free prescriptions is that in uk we get them if we have a life long illness and need meds, so i guess in mexico you might not have this.

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Oh hun, I feel for you. I too have an underactive thyroid. I wondered why I kept putting on weight and feeling so tired... I got my levels checked a few years ago now and am on quite a low dose (50mcg) but I am feeling so much better for taking it. I get my levels checked once a year now but in the beginning I had more tests to make sure they got the level right. So all I can say is hang in there hun, take the meds and I do hope you'll feel better soon...



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Why am I so upset then? :(

Probably because it's yet another diagnosis.

I know when they told me that I had periodontal disease I was very upset becasue I felt like my body was rotting away before it was even dead.

Diagnosis's effect you! but in the long run they are there to set you in the right direction to getting better.


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Thanks for the support, It really helps me feel better. :bigarmhug[1]:

Barebones, Yes, I guess in Mexico we dont get them :(.

Today I start my treatment:

1 thyroxine, a 50 mg pill a day and 1 500 mg of methaformina. This last one is for the sugar to be absorbed into my tissues.

Ulrica, thanks :) you seem happy with the treatment, your account has been up since the treatment?

Paine, yes u are right, u end up feeling like "what, why is my body so messed up?!!"

I dont feel angry anymore because of what u say.l In the long run I will be happy this was diagnosed at the perfect time.

:) Ale

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Thanks Lilly :) You are always so sweet and supportive.

I have become optimistic about the treatment and I cany wait to feel energy back running though my body! (cus I just slept half day again as always :( )


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I suffer from hyper thyroidism. though the count is just slightly higher than normal. My DR. said it will go from high to low until my thyroid just stops and there is yet anything that can stop it so early detection would never really have helped you. One of my biggest problems is how I look. My hair and nails are dry and brittle. Nothing I can do there but I can dress nicely. It helps with feeling ugly.

For you I would go for short walks a couple of times a day. start with just 5 minutes to keep you feeling better emotionally and your muscles stronger. Lack of motion will only compound your problems. Your DR. should have sent you to a dietition. Where as weight lose won't happen a sound diet may stop weight gain or at least slow it down. Yoga is good as well. It will stretch your muscles with out great amounts of effort. It sounds as if you feel useless since you can't work for large amounts of time. Try doing some kind of community service such as helping out at the local day care or help school teachers grade papers. You can also read news papers to the elderly. Don't stay home all the time. Those walls will close in on you. You will have to much time to dwell on your misfortunes.

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Oh, I hear ya. I always wondered why my nails looked like crap :( and I started losing my hair a lot. The good thing is that I have so much hair u cant tell.

I have been going to a nutriologist as well. She hasnt seen my new results tho I have been on a diet. On monday I will see her and hopefully the diet will help a lot too.

I feel very desperate because of my intolerance to insuline :( All my glucose runs in my blood and is not getting to organs and obviously brain. I am sleeping like a bear! -_-

For this glucose reason I find it hard to take walks as u say, but I would love to. My kids drag me to the park sometimes.

I have thought of volunteering but I really need the money, I feel so pressured :( So angry again.

Thanks for your great advices, I will think of them a lot and see what I do with myself.

I hope you are feeling better.


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i havent even been able to do yoga at home for 3 months.. i was super fit before it went low agin, now i cant even do the dishes.. i haad my bloods done yesterday, but i think its a bit early to tell if its done anything, i so dont feel like it has!

bluebell x

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I hope your tests come out well Blue. At this moment I have like a 1000 dishes to wash thanks to my kids. They will have to help me today to do their own dishes. They are old enough!

Yoga is great! I hope we can so it soon. cant wait to go back to my belly dance class tho. :)

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Ulrica, thanks :) you seem happy with the treatment, your account has been up since the treatment?

Ok, am just being a bit thick but I have no idea what you mean... :huh: But then again my head has been all over the shop for the past few days :D

I'm on 50mg to... But I am in good company my mum is on it as is my sisters dog! :D

Ooh, yoga's great, my day center offers it, thinking of starting again... Always wanted to try belly dancing but feel sooooo self conscious, this coming from a girl who used to dance at clubs... I never said I made sense :D

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Just your average clubs but with very little clothes on... Still I got paid to boogie to house music all night, imagine, being paid for a night out, sweet :D It was fun but then my body went all haywire so had to stop :(

Edit: Sorry for going so off topic... Sometimes I get carried away...

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