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Fed Up With Meds


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2 weeks ago i startted getting high, paranoia set in & i think i had a couple of hallucinations, things have calmed in my body but my head is speeding, not thinking just feels like im speeding. fed up with the carbam oh what ever its called sure its that thats making me feel fast & my body sluggish. Fed up with the quitiepine, good for sleeping but iv already got back a sweet tooth, its this med, so im stopping them & if i go high again i know its psychosis on its way if not then its those pills. I hate medication, so many side effects, im always put down by dr's that im awkward for not taking what they say. Why dont they try em!!!!! oooh so fed up with all that crap in me.. But no win situation with out the anti psychotic how will i sleep??? Its hard to know what to do. Any suggestions from anyone???Jo-an

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I totally agree, if Doctors tried the medication they wouldn't be so quick to prescribe them !!

they've come along way in twenty years, but the're still CRAP.

it's not the Doctors it's the drug companies.

I tried Quetipaine and it was horrid, i'm on Olanzepine now.

I wish you all the best and hope you stay well - at least you'll have a rest from the Crap Drugs !!


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i know what you mean.. i am having to come off all my meds slowly over the next 6 months as the chemical cocktail has made my thyroid disease worse( i havent started tapering yet)

If you do come off them, please do it slowly, it can be dangerous to withdraw suddenly. hugs, bluebell x

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last weekend i had one of my brainwave ideas that i was gonna stop taking my tablets, quetiapine and citalopram, big mistake, even tho i only didnt take them for four days, i coulnt sleep properlyand had nightmares, got hyper thoughts and paranoid and was hot and cold and felt totally shit and had couple of episodes with partnner so i just started takin them again :wacko:

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Hi again Jo - an,

I've decided to join you.

I'm reducing my olanzepine by 50%, i'll be taking 5ml instead of 10 ml

Because i'm taking some medication, I should be aware if something is wrong - if not i'll be in hospital before yee

Moley xx

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Jo I totally hear ya about the meds. I agree with Moley... if docs had to take them they wouldn't be so quick to prescribed them.

Now I should go and take my moclobemide, mellaril, lithium, neulactil and largactil... blah!

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Its now only been 2 days since im basically on nothing, the grass is greener the sky is bluer my head is clearer & i dont feel like a zombie trying to get up the energy to do the simplest of things. Im real & im feeling real!!! jo-an

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i know what you mean.. i am having to come off all my meds slowly over the next 6 months as the chemical cocktail has made my thyroid disease worse( i havent started tapering yet)

If you do come off them, please do it slowly, it can be dangerous to withdraw suddenly. hugs, bluebell x

I too bluebellgirl have low thyroid & the meds im sure are messing with it, both actually dont agree with the thyroxin so im thinking y on earth would they be prescribed?? The pains and the feelings in my hands arms & legs are awful, i have them most of the time but with the meds they are even worse.

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Im now taking 25mg of quitipine (sorry cant spell it) instead of 50mg and my head is so much clearer and I can think for the 1st time in 2 years ! Im better off them.I have been on this lower dose for only 7 days and feel a good difference.Now Im hoping to come off it altogether ! Of course my CPN doesnt know as she advised me not to come off meds as I could be ill again.She is not the one that feels like a zombie all the time. :blink:

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