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*Helen's Achievements*


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1. I am at my parents and though I don't want to be here, I am coping ok...just.

2. I haven't self harmed since I overdosed on Wednesday

3. I visited the memorial sites of my paternal Grandparents, who died 8 and 9 years ago. I visited the grave of a friends daughter who died last year, aged 15 hours.

I've put this one seperate cos it was a major major deal

4. I visited my maternal Grandmothers grave. She died in November last year. I've been once since the funeral. I took an Easter card for her, and some flowers (as I did my paternal grandparents) but I was able to cry, which is something I cannot do often.

I think it deserves a seperate entry, not sure if you agree but:

5. I cried today

6. The family (except my dad walked out half way through cos he was bored) watched a film together.

7. Though I am struggling with stuff mum buys, I am managing the best I can with my ED. Its harder here, cos mum buys stuff I can't have, but do, like bread, and wheat things, and she also got some sodding chocolate in for Easter and I generally eat it all!!!

8. I helped mum take Grandad to respite care in the nursing home, and we didn't fight, nor have cross words and WE SUPPORTED EACH OTHER!

Theres some people coming tomorrow too, I WILL cope with them!!!



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thats really impressive im so proud of the way you are dealing with things hun you are doing so well.

:bigarmhug[1]: :bigarmhug[1]: :bigarmhug[1]: :bigarmhug[1]:

all the best



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