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My Old Poems


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drain away the pain

Shrieking silently in my head

driving me mad

keeping me sad

lock the door tight

turn off the light

now it's only me

me and my secrecy

flirting with the blade

cold. solid. seductive.

my skin craves for it

to drain out the pain i make a slit

rivers of crimson red.

fascinating. mesmerizing.

farewell to my haunting miseries,

for now at least.

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if i die today

Death is always around

Time will tell if ur turn has come

And if i die today

Here is what I have to say...

To all hearts that I've hurt

To all scars that I've caused

I am so very sorry

- I was young and blurry

- I was a slave of fury

I have no chance for redemption

So I can only say,

I am so very sorry


Pray for my salvation please

- if you think I deserve any.

Thanks for being a part of my life

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(for my ex..)

I can't live without you

But I don't want to live with you anymore

I need you

But I don't want you

Looking back to yesterdays





living my today




and tomorrow?

- I'm Gone!!

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just seen the others lol, thought there was only 1, ooops

yep they are great too jungle!

start writing up agian, poems are great ways to release some of that built up tention.

look forward to reading more.


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just seen the others lol, thought there was only 1, ooops

yep they are great too jungle!

start writing up agian, poems are great ways to release some of that built up tention.

look forward to reading more.


thanx bm... yeah writing is such a really good release.

but i just cant write anymore.. :(

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just seen the others lol, thought there was only 1, ooops

yep they are great too jungle!

start writing up agian, poems are great ways to release some of that built up tention.

look forward to reading more.


thanx bm... yeah writing is such a really good release.

but i just cant write anymore.. :(

yes you can hun, just let your emotions come out on paper!

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Such great stuff. How long haven't you written for? I go in waves and today it's been six months since I last wrote. Sometimes it's been over a year. I hope you get it back since you have such talent.

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they are great, please do some more, best thing i find to do is simply to write random words down and see what comes into my head. doesnt always work but it can do.

all the best



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Such great stuff. How long haven't you written for? I go in waves and today it's been six months since I last wrote. Sometimes it's been over a year. I hope you get it back since you have such talent.

thnx. :)

well, the last time i wrote... it was in 2006. after another suicide attempt in mid of that year i couldnt seem to write anymore. last time i wrote down my feelings everyday in a journal. i dont know why i cant anymore. maybe they shocked the 'touch' away when they give me several ECTs that year. :lol:

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they are great, please do some more, best thing i find to do is simply to write random words down and see what comes into my head. doesnt always work but it can do.

all the best



thnx for the tips donna.. :) i sure will try it out...

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