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A Higher Dose Of


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I've just been to see my GP for a med etc checkin/up.

As usual I told her a summary of what's been/is going on in my life and how I feel about it.

She has upped my dosage. I was taking 75mg a day Efexor. Now I shall be taking 150mg. As from tomorrow. To support me whilst I go through all this "heavy stuff" (her words)- re group, possibly ending my training etc.

She warned me that I may get some side effects again, :( like before, but that these should pass. Well, I'm off to Sainsbury's to get more mousse and other baby food type stuff in case the anorexic type/loss of appetite hits me this time again like before...

If you take Efexor, and went to an increased dose, how was it for you?



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I am on effexor which they have increased over a year. I'm at 450 mg which is above the recommended dose. but i havent had any side effects.

What ever you do don't try decreasing it on your own. I had a life threatening crash because i decided to go off it and decreaed it on my own much too fast.


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this is a bit scary all round for me....just had therapy and explored the unconscious feelings behind it for me.....

....will take new dose and see how it goes....


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Just because they upped mine so much doesnt mean they will yours. 150 mg is not a scary dose at all. it really helped save my life.


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thanks...what's scary was the emotional stuff I talked about with my therapist...well, she interpreted it for me...how I want much more caring and love ALL THE TIME and am angry at her because she's not there with me all day all night and so I'm on double dose now instead of having the love and care.

(me aged 0 to about 5+)


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Hi: I took effexor for a year. I had terrible side effects. Being on the stuff gave me severe nightmares. I fought sleep so I wouldn't get them. I walked around like a zombie with only three hours sleep. I think that's what contributed to one of my hospital stays.

Does effexor give you nightmares?

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No nightmares as such, but often very very vivid dreams.

Luckialy this hasn't been a major issue for me as I'm pretty keyed into working with my dreams, having written them down since I attended a dream group 10 or so years ago.

What was a problem when I first was on the 75mg was anorexic like thinking and I lost a lot of my not very much anyway weight. I didn't feel like eating and woke up in the night chewing my tongue.....got a rash one day and also weird puffy eyes some mornings, like my face was a bit swollen up.

So to take double that dose is major scary...and I've got work all weekend!

What are you on now, pinklady?


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hey Kari,

I was effexor for a couple of years, moved up to 150mg daily after a few months and stayed like that until recently when I got switched to Prozac...I digress...effexor was the only drug that did anything to lift my mood and give me back some kind of a life. I experienced side effects at first, especially not eating, and vivid dreams and clenchy jaw, but when I increased dosage the effects were not as severe as when I first took them. I still have vivid dreams now though. All medications have different effects on people so I guess you'll just have to give the increase a go. Maybe your therapist feels that she can't help you until your mood lifts enough to give you strength. That's what I was told when I complained about being palmed off with more pills. Good luck,


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Thanks Anwen, that's reassuring....

It was my GP that increased the pills. I see my therapist separately, privately.

Thanks for the good luck, I'm feeling well wary of taking 2 pills tomorrow at brekkie time!


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