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(another) One Of Those Days...


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...which I'm not sure is BPD or depression related.

Been up an hour or so, now going back to bed. I feel so tired, so lethargic. I know bed is the worst place to be but my body hurts.

It isn't physical apparently!

Do other people get these, I don't mean when you feel so lethargic in your head - my head is quite active, my body aches!

Ok, you found me out, I feel so tired I don't know what am talking about anymore!



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Hi ellie im sorry you are feeling so crappy, yeah i get those days too- way too many of them to be honest. I think its depression related to be honest. I know bed seems like the best place and im sooo guilty of going and hiding in my bed too, but i try to make myself do at least one thing pr day when im like that- like have a bath, walk to the shop, do some housework, i know its hard to do but sometimes helps me.

I hope you feel better soon


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I get that too...

and i want to ehco Loula.. my goals for today were *brush teeth, *walk dog *call at least two friends

which i have managed, although have spent rest of the day in bed or staring at the wall... but the fact that i know i have achieved at least something small really helps.

I also find getting up in the morning helps. So often, i will get up at 9am.. then force myself to stay up.. if i need to go back to bed and hide at two ish or so, than thats okay..but then i have to get up again at 4... just staying in bed -all day- tends to make my mood so much worse

I hope maybe those ideas help you some, sorry you are feeling rough, take care doll x x

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Its not my head so much that hurts, its my body from the neck down. I slept for 4 hours this afternoon, I couldn't keep my eyes open. I think why I am concerned so much is when I am low, its my head that needs the break, not my body, though I do know it can manifest itself physically, however it isn't 'normal' for me.

I went to Morrisons though. About ready for another sleep now!

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well done on the morrisons front. thats a big achievent when you feel bad, really, you should be proud of yourself

maybe it is physical?

its hard to tell, depression, and general mental stress can manifest itself in physically symptoms, and i know for me extreme tiredness and feeling pants is one of them.. but it could be that your run down, developing the flu or have some kind of funky vitamin defincieny... how long has it been going on for?

if you are no better in a few days i would suggest a GP appointment, they should be able to maybe arrange blood tests, give you a once over.. and if you think it is head stuff thats causing thins, are you on any meds? maybe they need tweaking?

thinking of you and hope you feel better soon, just take it in baby steps x x

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Thanks Alexis

Had the bloods done a few weeks ago. They were all normal.

He said I have PCOS though, but never arranged an ultrasound. I may go back and tell him I am still tired - it isn't post viral, and it isn't to do with pollen - that hurts my eyes lol.

It started a month or so ago, it it didn't start off being mental health, but its majorly affecting it now.



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Heya helen, i think you should try go back and let him know you are still tired.. maybe there are other routes to go down?

Especially as it is affecting your MH.. do you think you could let your GP know that?

x x x

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I feel like this more often then I should it sometimes goes in a cycle of not sleeping and feeling awesome about the fact I don't need to sleep. I then go into the place where my body hurts and I feel so tired it isn't even funny. I still go to school and do things I have to do everyday. I don't usually end up doing extra things and sometimes I don't even go online because I am sleeping so much. I also don't use the phone and I also don't answer it when anybody calls because I am too tired and hurt to much to do anything.

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